Visioning Ideas Strategic Filtering Annual Meeting January 28, 2018
The Visioning Process Framework Goals Strategies to meet goals Strategic Filters 200+ Ideas Vision Mission/Purpose Core Values
St. Stephen’s Vision & Mission A world made whole by God's transforming love in action. Mission Embracing and living God's commandment to love our neighbors — through worship, stewardship, and service to others.
St. Stephen’s core values are bound together by the threads of compassion and integrity Faith-based Community We are an inclusive, welcoming community that nurtures the spiritual development of all members in the recognition that often God is revealed to us through love, respect and care of others. Service In the spirit of the example set by Our Lord Jesus Christ, we are committed to using our gifts in service to our neighbors and others in God’s created world. Stewardship We are committed to managing our assets and blessings with great care in order for our beautiful, historic church to remain relevant and sustainable for this generation and those that follow.
Context for Filtering Summary Strategic filter needed to provide a manageable list of ideas for delegation, consideration and execution Every idea (non-personnel) has been considered Vision Management team has filtered, categorized and consolidated all ideas from Visioning Sessions Filter Ideas Categorize Results Delegate Ideas Committee Prioritization
Strategic Filter Tool for Visioning Ideas Does the specific idea support our core values, vision and mission? Is it unique or does it duplicate others’ work? Is it financially sustainable / do we have the resources to sustain initiative? Does zoning permit it; is it legal? Does it require capital investment? Is it dependent on the Property Report? Is it low hanging fruit? Source: Adapted from the Episcopal Church Foundation
Summary of Filtering >200* ideas identified in the Visioning Process 45 ideas for New Committees / Initiatives 39 ideas for Existing Committees 65 ideas dependent on Property Report 5 ideas already implemented 10 ideas tabled due to scope and lack of clarity Three New Committees / Initiatives Fellowship, Life Services, and Marketing and Communication *164 ideas were filtered (remaining are personnel-related and duplicates)
Example Results New Committee (Example: Fellowship Committee) Ideas already implemented!
Example Results Filtered for Low Hanging Fruit Filtered ideas will be available on Visioning page of the website
Next Steps Presentation of results and proposal for new committees to Vestry Committees to prioritize and create action plans Implementation, resource requests, and timelines (now or 2019-2020) Committee Engagement Idea Prioritization Action Plans Implement