The Clinton Presidency Policies at Home and Abroad in the 1990’s
Early Years Bill Clinton was raised in Arkansas He met JFK as a high school student He met and married Hillary, while in college He became Governor of Arkansas in the 1980’s
First Term Clinton defeated George HW Bush for the Presidency in 1992 He promised to improve health care, but his bill did not pass Clinton passed a tax increase on the wealthy, which helped balance the budget
The Economy There was fast economic growth during the Clinton Presidency, especially due to the computer revolution Clinton eliminated the deficit and balanced the budget
Foreign Policy After the Soviet Union fell apart, a civil war in Bosnia broke out. Clinton helped stop the killing of Muslims by Serbs by using NATO air strikes and peacekeepers
Peace Agreements The peace agreement between the Serbs and Muslims was called the Dayton Agreement The Clinton Administration also helped broker a deal between Catholic and Protestant leaders in Northern Ireland and Israelis and Palestinians
Monica Lewinsky Scandal Bill Clinton was accused of having a sexual affair with intern Monica Lewinsky He denied it The House of Representatives called for impeachment for lying to the public The trial in the Senate did not convict him, so he remained President
Hillary Clinton Elected Senator from New York Ran for President but lost to Obama in Democratic primary elections Appointed Secretary of State