Larry Halem MD, CPC VEP Regional Productivity Director Quick Tips Larry Halem MD, CPC VEP Regional Productivity Director
ECG interpretation ECG reading must include 3 of 6 components: 1. Rate and/or rhythm 2.Axis 3. Intervals (ie QT interval, PR interval) 4. Segments (ST or T wave changes) 5. Comparison to old ECG (stating no old to compare to is also acceptable) 6. Summary of clinical condition Must include interpreted by me RVU:0.24
Repeat ECG’s Medical necessity must be documented to justify repeated ECG
Rhythm Strips Rhythm Strips (0.2 RVU) In the past we needed a specific event to document a rhythm strip Now we need and order for cardiac monitoring and an interpretation Example: NSR rate 80 or atrial fibrillation rate 106 You can bill for both and ECG and rhythm strip with most payers