Loss Prevention Presentation Criminology Exploring Criminal Behavior Tara Franklin 12/08/2016 Professor Sunshine Richards
introduction Shoplifting is to steal items displayed goods in stores (Merriam Webster, 2016) During the holiday seasons, retail stores are at risk for shoplifting and suffer the effects of losing revenue due to shoplifting. With proper training in preventative measures on how to spot and prevent shoplifting, this training could reduce the effects that shoplifting causes to businesses and communities.
Background on Shoplifting According to National Association 27 million people are shoplifters, 1 in 11 (National Association for Shoplifting Prevention, 2014) Three percent of shoplifter who are professionals, shop lift for a living or financial gain. In other cases, people steal to fulfill their drug addiction or for something they are lacking such as materialistic reasons There isn’t a profile for a shoplifter (Shoplifting Statistics, 2014) It cost US retailers bout 42 billion a year due to products missing because of shoplifting (Fisher, Anne, 2015)
Why do they do it? There are two types of shoplifters. There are professional and non-professional and each kind of theft is done for different purposes. Some people shoplift just for the pleasure of it. They seek out something to fill a void and the act of stealing fulfills this need. Three percent of shoplifter who are professionals, shop lift for a living or financial gain. People steal to fulfill their drug addiction or for something they are lacking such as materialistic reasons.
Preventative Measurements Design the store to increase visibility (Shoplifting Security Measures, 2008) Dressing room limits (Shoplifting Security Measures, 2008 Alarms, Cameras Know your inventory and keep close eye (Shoplifting Security Measures, 2008)
Techniques used by Shoplifters Walking without a purpose (Shoplifting Security Measures, 2008) Hanging around and not necessarily purchasing items Using item to conceal merchandise (Waters, Shari, 2016) Take advantage when stores are busy like during holidays
Effects of shoplifting on stores and communities It cost US retailers bout 42 billion a year due to products missing because of shoplifting (Fisher, Anne ,2015) Reduces profits which cause price increase and effects shoppers pockets (Kokemuller, Neil,2016). Time spent in court dealing with pressing charges
Conclusion Shoplifting causes a domino affect by not only affecting stores but the damage trickles down and affects consumers as well. With proper store policy and procedures and providing staff with the necessary training in loss prevention, this simple solution to combat shoplifting could lead to a successful profitable year in retail.
Reflection I was able to demonstrate my dependability with this project by providing employees a plan to prevent loss for Macy’s Department stores. This company depended on a plan to prevent profit loss due to the affects of shoplifting. I was also able to use my communication skills by writing out an effective guide for employees to understand the effects of shoplifting, what to look for, and preventative steps to take ,which will be beneficial for the companies future.
resources Merriam-Webster,2016, retrieve from http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/shoplift Shoplifting Prevention Tips. (2008). Security Today, retrieved from https://securitytoday.com/articles/2008/08/08/shoplifting-prevention-tips.aspx Waters, Shari. (2016). How to Identify Shoplifters, retrieved from https://www.thebalance.com/shoplifting-prevention-101-2890256 Kokemuller, Neil. (2016). The Effects Shoplifting Has on a Business, retrieved from http://smallbusiness.chron.com/effects-shoplifting-business-59560.html Shoplifting Statistics. (2014). National Association for Shoplifting Prevention, retrieved from http://www.shopliftingprevention.org/what-we-do/learning-resource-center/statistics/ Fisher, Anne.(2015). U.S. retail workers are No.1 in employee theft, retrieved from http://fortune.com/2015/01/26/us-retail-worker-theft/ http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/shoplift