5 Way to Improve User Access Client Webinar Series Time to Reach New Heights 5 Way to Improve User Access Feb 10, 2016
Enhance the User Experience Agenda Enhance the User Experience Active Directory Google Authentication Password control Access through routing Everyone vs Everyone Internal role
Active Directory Use your Windows Login with \ or @ Actual login in sfPMS is the AD login!
Active Directory LDAP Authenticated, even if not in sfPMS Authorized by Group Membership Creates a new sfPMS user if needed No password in sfPMS – so cannot recover or expire or change or… sfPMS permission via sfPMS roles (AUTHORIZATION) Can Have external users sfPMS Authenticated Not a User’s personal choice
Google Authentication Convenient Single Sign On! Functions only as an Alias Google Identity passed to sfPMS Must map to a know sfPMS user All authorization comes from sfPMS
Password control What do you need: Control of Passwords? IT Direction to change Password every 3 months? Requirement to make Passwords more complex (8-14 characters, including at least numeral and two special characters)
Contact Login Control Password Controls at the Contact Level
Password Option Settings Password Complexity Password Expiration Account Locking
^(?=.*[0-9]+.*)(?=.*[a-zA-Z]+.*)[0-9a-zA-Z@#!=]{4,32}$ Strong Passwords KBA-01211 In ICTool, use the Password tab on the sfPMS page. You must supply a regular expression to perform your test, and a message to inform users what type of password is expected. Many resources are available to help you create a regular expression, for examples, see http://regexlib.com. The internal default used by the system is: ^(?=.*[0-9]+.*)(?=.*[a-zA-Z]+.*)[0-9a-zA-Z@#!=]{4,32}$ (Note: and [] are not valid special characters and are used above for placeholders) (?=.*[0-9]+.*) — Tests for at least one digit anywhere in the string (?=.*[a-zA-Z]+.*) — Tests for at least one character anywhere in the string [0-9a-zA-Z@#!=] — Tests for the valid characters; in Version 4.1, the valid characters were expanded to [0-9a-zA-Z@#!=/,`~$?^*()-+.]; note that the and [] are excluded. {4,32} — Establishes the minimum and maximum lengths
Grant Access through Routing Routing a Spitfire document to a contact allows that user access to the Spitfire document. Each route includes an Access Level: View or Collaborate View = Read Only Collaborate = Edit the document Use the Collaborate to grant a user edit on this one document Greater granularity than including all doc types of this type “edit” ability in the role
Everyone vs Everyone Internal role What is the Everyone Role? Why have a Everyone Internal Role?
Everyone Role Simply, the limited access capabilities required to log into Spitfire and reach your Home Dashboard with your Inbox and your Watchdog alerts. Automatically assigned to every contact when you click the Spitfire User option and assign a User ID and Password.
Everyone Internal Role Assigned to all internal users A bundle of capabilities for your internal users Use the lowest common denominator theory Grants access to system-functions (Report Folders/Reports/Catalog Dashboard/Contacts) This is a system-wide role (vs. a Project-limited- role) When creating a Project role, the Project role only need to contain the “add-ons” – what does this user need to access that the Everyone Internal role doesn’t include
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