Item 3 of the draft agenda ESS.VIP ADMIN: progress report


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Presentation transcript:

Item 3 of the draft agenda ESS.VIP ADMIN: progress report DSS Meeting 2 and 3 March 2017

Why use administrative sources for statistical purposes ? to reduce response burden to reduce cost of data collection to maximise the usability of existing data collections Cost and burden Quality

Admin data in multisource statistics use for survey frames, directly as the frame or to supplement / update an existing frame (part) replacement of data collection (e.g. use of taxation data for small businesses in lieu of seeking survey data for them) direct tabulation Outputs ` Registers Transformation Linkage Admin data Population Register Statistical register Surveys Full enumeration Graph idea: ONS

Multisource - auxiliary use examples as a single variable in editing and imputation and validation indirect use in estimation (e.g. as auxiliary information in calibration, estimation, etc.) in evaluation, including data confrontation (e.g., comparison of survey estimates with estimates from a related admin program)

Main challenges when using administrative sources Access to data and influencing sources Methodology for integration Quality (input, throughput, output) IT and security Privacy and confidentiality

ADMIN work packages (2015-2019) 2. Statistical methods 3.Quality 5.Frames for social statistics 1. Access to & development of sources 7. Methodological support 6. Pilot studies & applications ADMIN project is in the package of ESS Vision implementing projects. It was approved by the ESSC in February this year. The high-level goal of the project is to support the ESS to make better use of available administrative data without compromising on quality. 4. Eurostat as user of EC data

WP1 Access to administrative data Progress Workshop on access to administrative data (Brussels, 13-14 September 2016) Analysis of collected information on current access situation and best practices Questionnaire on access issues sent to NSIs is being processed Next steps: Produce final reports on access to data and best practices in relation with data providers (Q2 2017) 2018-2019 workshop(s) to exchange good practices & experiences & discuss possible further actions

WP2 Statistical methods Progress Review of estimation methods on-going: estimation methods linked to the use of the data and the GSBPM steps Final output will include summary sheet per method (presentation, context of use, pros and cons, practical example, possible software) (delivery Q1 2017) Next steps: Produce guidelines for use of estimation methods to integrate administrative data in production (Q2 2018) Analyse practical cases and best practices of using modelling and estimation methods; transfer of knowledge (Q4 2017)

WP 3 Quality -ESSnet on quality of multisource statistics – progress (1) FPA since 2015 till 2019 (DK, IE, IT, LT, HU, NL, AT, NO) 1st SGA on preparatory work since Jan 2016 Intermediate deliverables produced Checklist on input quality Quality measure for frames for social statistics Quality measures for the quality of output (based on a combination of administrative sources and surveys) Final deliverables expected Q2 2017

ESSnet on quality of multisource statistics (progress, next steps) Workshop on quality of multisource statistics 21-22/04/2016; most NSIs represented The approach of the ESSnet validated Request to produce handbook/guidelines Second SGA (Q2 2017 - Q3 2018) First draft of guidelines on quality (production oriented) Continue work on quality measures and indicators Propose minimum quality requirements - frames for social statistics (note WP5) Third SGA (Q3 2018 -2019) Finalise & dissemainte the guidelines Produce examples of quality reports

WP4 Eurostat as a (in)direct user of administrative data sources held or designed by the European Commission Progress Catch statistics pilot Comparison of Eurostat and DG MARE data Grants on improving the use of IACS (Integrated Administration and Control System) and other administrative sources on-going Several countries have finalised the action Seminar of the Dir of Agri Stat (06/2016, Belgrade) Next steps: Improvement of catch statistics data at national level, produce final report (Q4 2018) Finalise grant actions (Q4 2018) Identify and run new pilots - migration

WP5 Frames for social statistics Progress Report on existing frames Analysis of existing information Drafting of a questionnaire for the NSIs Report on quality from ESSNet (see WP3) Next steps Task Force (2017 – 2018) Use as input the description of existing frames used by the NSIs + quality framework proposed by the ESSnet Will propose actions to improve the quality of sampling frames for social statistics Articulate with the implementing regulation on sampling frames (IESS)

WP6 Pilot studies and applications Progress Grants on improving the use of administrative sources Call for proposal launched in 2015, 2016 2015: 13 grants, most concern census & most finalised 2016: 13 grants, many on census, delivery Q2 2018 Targeted methodological improvements foreign language learning data Next steps: New calls for proposal expected in 2017, 2018 Work on methodological improvements in morbidity statistics

WP7 Methodological support to MSs Progress Training Consultation of NSIs on training needs Defined training for 2017 Helpdesk and consultancy services available Preparation of summary of grant reports for dissemination Continuous contact with projects and concerned groups (WG Methodology, GEO, TF Quality, Big Data, SERV, Census, HLG Data Integration, UNECE TF Register Censuses) Next steps New ESTP course in 2018, 2019 based on MSs requests Session during NTTS Conference

Governance and interaction with MSs ADMIN Steering Group 2/year (BE, CZ, DK, EL, ES, HR, AT, PL, SI, FI, UK); ESTAT internal SG Report to DIME; inform DSS and DGAS Revision point: VIG (Oct 2016) ESSC (Feb 2017) Technical level: network of national contact points workshops open to all NSIs (past & expected) newsletter presentations in Working Groups

Recap of support to MSs Workshops WP6 grants on improving the use of administrative sources (call in preparation) Include study visits linked to action WP7 Support to Member States ADMIN helpdesk for NSIs Coaching for NSIs (on-site help provided by expert) Upon request through the ADMIN helpdesk ESTP training linked to ADMIN in 2017-2019

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