Litchfield Soccer Club Team Tryout Plan May 2004
Tryout Objectives Design fair method to divide the participants into Division 1 and Division 2 teams Objective and Subjective scoring elements Independent judges involved 4 Stations Running/Speed Dribbling/Skill Passing/Skill Small Side Game/Skill, Tactic Two sessions held. Top score from sessions is used for participant
Station #1 - Running 44 Yard Dash – Penalty Box Length (1a) 2 attempt per participant Timed event – fastest time retained Quick Sprint (1b) Side Line to Penalty Box, return Side Line to Goal Box, return Side Line to Far Goal Box, return Side Line to Far Penalty Box, return Timed event – 1 attempt
Station #2 - Dribbling Cones laid out in “S” pattern 44 Yard distance – Penalty Box 2 attempt per participant Timed event – fastest time retained Attempt disqualified if cones are skipped
Station #3 - Passing 3 Balls used 2 attempt per participant Timed event – fastest time retained Balls passed through 3 gates 20 yard 40 yard 30 yard Time starts when first ball touched, finished when ball passes through last gate or stops rolling. If ball does not pass through gate, + 2 seconds If all 3 balls miss gate, + 6 seconds
Station #3 – Passing Details 20 Yard 40 Yard Gates 2 yards 30 Yard
Station #4 – Small Sided Game Subjective Assessment 3v3 game, no points for scoring 30 yard field, 10 minute session Evaluate each player with points for Defending Attacking Trapping Passing One point per skill Lowest score 1, Highest 4
Scoring Record best score from timed stations (1a,1b,2,3) Record total score from subjective stations (4) Rank participants from top to bottom based on score Additional points added for position 0 - 25% = 1 point 26% - 50% = 2 points 51% - 75% = 3 points 76% - 100% = 4 points Upper 50% of participants are assigned to the Division 1 team Lower 50% of participants are assigned to the Division 2 team.
Goal Keeper Test Punt Distance Throw Distance Penalty Shot Block 4 kicks, best and average recorded Throw Distance 4 throws, best and average recorded Penalty Shot Block 4 balls thrown to each corner. Point for each stop Breakaway – subjective See how the keeper reacts to a person on a break away Points for coming out of the box Points for laying out on the ball