Jo Freitag 2010
NEEDS The apple does not fall far from the tree The Cheetah Analogy Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs - common to all people Physiological Needs, Safety Needs, Belongingness and Love Needs, Esteem Needs Need to know and understand Aesthetics Needs Self actualization Transcendence The Cheetah Analogy The Apple does not fall far from the Tree The Cheetah Analogy Exploring Gifted Dimensions Jo Freitag 2010
N NEEDS NORMALCY Lesley Sword “Normal for gifted” IQ Bell Curve Columbus Group Definition Dabrowski Overexcitabilities Introversion Visual Spatial Learners Perfectionism Creativity and ‘different thinking’ N NEEDS N Normalcy Lesley Sword “Normal for gifted” IQ Bell Curve Columbus Group Definition Dabrowski Overexcitabilities Introversion Visual Spatial Learners Perfectionism Creativity and ‘different thinking’ Exploring Gifted Dimensions Jo Freitag 2010
E NEEDS EXAMPLES EXCELLENCE EXTENSION NEEDS E Examples Excellence Extension Exploring Gifted Dimensions Jo Freitag 2010
E NEEDS EXTRA INFORMATION AND MYTH BUSTING This is where Gifted Resources can be useful NEEDS E Extra Information and Myth Busting This is where Gifted Resources can be useful Exploring Gifted Dimensions Jo Freitag 2010
D NEEDS DIALOGUE AND TEAMWORK GO TO IOWA NEEDS D Dialogue and Teamwork The psychologist, Teacher and Parent working together for the benefit of the child GO TO IOWA Exploring Gifted Dimensions Jo Freitag 2010
S NEEDS SOCIAL OPPORTUNITIES SUPPORT This is where a Support Group can be useful NEEDS S Social Opportunities and Support This is where parent support groups like this one can be useful Exploring Gifted Dimensions Jo Freitag 2010
Prof. Francoys Gagne A Differentiated Model of Giftedness and Talent (DMGT) 2000
Friendships and conversations Programs and Activities Complex thinking Idealism & Perfectionism Debating issues “Little Lawyers”
These are Edward De Bono’s Six Action shoes which are used for planning actions I have applied Six Action Shoe planning theory to building programs that are suitable for students who are both gifted and have a learning disability and that is what I will be talking about at the NSWAGTC Conference in Sydney Exploring Gifted Dimensions Jo Freitag 2010 Email : Postal : PO Box 4176 Croydon Hills Victoria 3136 Phone : (03) 9724 2452