Which Group was NOT in the New Deal Coalition A.) African Americans B. Intellectuals C.) correct answer C.) Business Leaders D.) Union leaders L F
WWI army veterans that went to Washington to get a promised bonus. A.) correct answer A.) Bonus Marchers B.) United We Stand C.) Recovery Corps D.) Students for a Democratic Society. L F
The Man Who Coined the Term “Share Our Wealth” A.) Frances Perkins B.) correct answer B.) Huey Long C.) Alf Landon D.) Fr. Coughlin L F
It created the impression that Roosevelt was trying to Interfere with the Constitution’s separation of powers And undermine the Supreme Court A.) correct answer A.) Court Packing Plan B.) Broker State Plan C.) Second New Deal Plan D.) Marshal Plan L F
Economist that argued for more government spending During a recession A.) Harold Ickes B.) Harry Hopkins C.) correct answer C.) John Maynard Keynes D.) Frances Perkins L F
First Female Cabinet Officer, She was Secretary of Labor A.) Eleanor Roosevelt B.) correct answer B.) Frances Perkins C.) Marlene Deitrich D.) Margaret Truman. L F
Which is NOT part of the Fair Labor Standards Act? A.) 40 hour Work Week B.) Abolition of Child Labor C.) Protection for Workers D.) Right to join a union D.) correct answer L F
Supreme Court Case that struck down the NRA B.) correct answer A.) Marbury vs. Madison B.) Schechter vs. US C.) Kormatsu vs. US D.) Plessy vs. Ferguson L F
The Group of Business leaders and Republicans That opposed the New Deal A.) Share Our Wealth B.) National Union for Social Justice C.) correct answer C.) American Liberty League D.) Townshend Plan L F
Treasury Secretary who wanted to balance the Budget in 1937 A.) Huey Long B.) Francis Townsend C.) John L. Lewis D.) Henry Morganthau D.) correct answer L F
Although they disagreed on specifics, Roosevelt’s advisors all wanted to A.) balance the budget B.) promote competition C.) favor Laissez Faire D) intervene in the economy D.) correct answer L F
The first fireside address was about A.) Minimum Wage B.) correct answer B.) The Banking System C.) The Trade Deficit D.) Civil Rights L F
The Glass Steagall Act separated commercial banking from A.) The SEC B.The Treasury Dept. C.) Bank Holidays. D.) correct answer D.) Investment Banking L F
Which Program paid farmers to let fields Go unplanted? A.) CCC B.) NRA C.) correct answer C.) AAA D.) DDD L F
This Act provided pensions for workers A.) correct answer A.) Social Security B.) National Security C.) Pensions and Benefits D.) Securities and Exchanges L F
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