Mesopotamia - The Land Between Two Rivers Mesopotamia is located between the Tigris River and the Euphrates River. Located in present day Iraq. USA
City-States Formed Along the Rivers city-states-A state with political and economic control over a countryside Sumer- Major city-state in the fertile crescent. Sumerian people were polytheistic. Sumerian government was a theocracy and ruled by a king.
Why Did These Cities Develop? Cities developed due to surpluses of food. Farming was a very important part of life for the Sumerians. Cities had large walls surrounding the city to protect from invasions.
Sumerians Cuneiform- Very early form of writing, first began in Sumerian cities. Sumerian schools taught boys the new invention of writing. Scribes- People who learned writing and schools and worked to record written records to the priests and rulers.
Sumerian Writing Scribes used a sharp point called a stylus to etch words into clay tablets. These tablets have been discovered by archaeologists and looked at by historians.
A Sumerian City Courtyard Area
Sumerian Cities On hot nights, people slept outdoors on the top of their house’s flat roof. Sumerians had a form of light at night. They burned oil lamps. Sumerians had plumbing in their city built with clay pipes
Sumerian Religion ziggurat- The main temples used to worship the gods of a city.
The Downfall of the Sumerians 1759 BC, Sumer was conquered by the Babylonians Babylonians – empire helped establish the first law codes Hammurabi’s Code – among first written laws emphasized “eye for an eye” public view causes consistency and stability
Sumerian Legacy Inventions: -The Arch- Used as a support structure. Very strong. -Wagon Wheel- Used to transport people -Potters wheel- Used to create containers -Sundial- A method of telling time. Similar to watch.