2018 - 2019 MHS Senior Project
What is it? The Senior Project is a graduation requirement that all students in Appoquinimink School District must complete.
What do I have to do? By the time you are done your senior project, you will have completed: A Topic Approval form – turned in via Schoology A written component which includes on introduction of your project and background research on your topic – turned in via Schoology A resume – turned in via Schoology A reflection on your research and product development – turned in via Schoology A product A presentation
Who will grade your project? You will be assigned a reader. Everything you turn will be turned in to your reader via Schoology. You will be presenting your project to your reader and at least one other faculty member. If you do well, you may be presenting to a panel of scholarship judges.
Topic Approval form The topic approval form lets your reader know what you are planning to research and hope to do for a product. This year, topics should be related to your career pathway. If you have questions about what topics you could research, you should see one of the teachers for your career pathway. Topic Approval Forms will be submitted as an assignment through your MHS Senior Project 2019 course on Schoology. You must update your form if your topic and/or product changes before presentations.
Written Component The written component has 5 parts: The Project Introduction (1/2 page) – This is an introduction to your entire project and how the paper relates to the product The background research (4-5 pages) – This should be a full four to five pages with in-text citations References(1 page) – You will need five references [four formal and one informal]
Written Component (con’t) The rough draft of the written component is due on September 26th Rough drafts should be submitted via Schoology Rough drafts should be returned to students who have handed them in on time by October 13th The rough draft is 3 pages minimum and should include the references and the project introduction Passing this assignment will determine eligibility for marking period one
Introduction The introduction is ½ to 1 full page discussing your entire project. This should include information about what you plan on researching. It should also include information on your product and how it ties to your research.
Background Research You will be completing background research on your topic and writing a report on this research. Your report should be 4-5 pages You should have 5 quality sources cited in your background research Your works cited page should be completed using APA format A rough draft of your introduction, research and works cited will be due on September 26; this should be submitted to your reader via Schoology
Written Component Final Draft The final draft of your written component is due on November 28th The final draft should be submitted via Schoology Final drafts should be returned to students who submitted them on time by December 15th
Resume A complete resume will be due on January 30th. Resumes should be submitted via Schoology. A rubric for expectations for your resume is available on our schools website.
Reflection You will be completing a reflection on the process of completing your senior project There are questions in the Senior Project Manual that you can use to guide your reflection The entire paper needs to be 3-5 full pages and does not need to include citations The reflection is due by February 20th via Schoology
Product Service Learning Creative Research Paper You have a choice of what type of product you are going to complete: Service Learning Creative Research Paper
Service Learning Service Learning – Complete 50 volunteer service hours with an organization or complete 50 hours job shadowing You will need to have your hours completed before your scheduled presentation date You will need someone at the organization to be willing to sign off on your hours on a log sheet or give you a certificate of completion for your hours For example, you might do volunteer hours at the Gibby Center in Middletown or shadow a nurse at the ER
Creative Product Creative project – You can create a product related to your topic Events, surveys, fundraisers, etc. all count as creative products For example, if you did a green energy topic, you might create a biodegradable cooler OR, if you choose to do a type of cancer as your topic, you might be the captain of a Relay for Life team
Research paper Research paper – 9-12 page formal research paper about your topic; this will be separate from and in addition to the research in your written component 1 inch margins, Times New Roman, 12 pt. font 9 quality sources, cited in the paper and on a References page in APA format
Presentation In March, you will present your senior project to your reader and another evaluator You will present for 12-20 minutes about the entire process Your presentation will include: An introduction including your 4-year journey through high school Information about your topic Information about your product, how it was made and how it relates to your topic
Presentation Day for the class of 2019: MARCH 7, 2019 More detailed information including a manual about the project and rubrics for each section can be found on the Senior Project page of our website: www.middletownhs.org