Nutritional Screening during Polio NID Campaign Yemen - 2017
Polio / MUAC campaign – Objectives To screen all children 6-59 months of age for malnutrition using Mid Upper Arm Circumference (MUAC) across the country in conjunction with the Polio NID and refer the identified malnourished cases for treatment and care. To generate district wise data on the prevalence of acute malnutrition (MUAC only), and contributing to understanding the possible impact of the outbreak of cholera/AWD on the nutritional status of children.
Polio / MUAC campaign – Implementation The campaign implemented by: 18,768 mobile team. 2,650 fixed teams and supervised by: 4,795 team supervisors. 474 nutrition districts supervisors. 46 nutrition governorate supervisors 30 central nutrition supervisors. The campaign implemented in the period of 23rd Oct – 1st Nov.
Polio / MUAC campaign – Key results The campaign has been implemented in 22 governorates. For Sa’ada, the start date still not confirmed. 3,154,681 children 6 – 59 months were screened for malnutrition by MUAC; ( 69% of the target). 283,132 children with acute malnutrition were identified and referred. 63,663 were identified as severe acute malnutrition and 219,469 were identified as moderate acute malnutrition 1,587,104 children 6 – 59 months received vitamin A supplementation.
Polio / MUAC campaign – per governorate
Polio / MUAC campaign – coverage rate
Polio / MUAC campaign – districts
Polio / MUAC campaign – SAM&MAM per governorate
Polio / MUAC campaign – GAM rate (MUAC)
Polio / MUAC campaign – Next Steps Finalize the Data entry process. Refresher training for HWs. Tracking all referred cases. Ensure availability of enough supplies at HFs. Launching of new MTs to cover the uncovered areas. CHVs activities (regular meetings, home visits) Continuous Monitoring and Supervision.