INSPIRE Thematic Clusters Statistical Cluster Highlights of the activities Mirosław Migacz - facilitator
Statistical Cluster scope Cluster members: 30 Cluster sub-groups: statistical units (SU) – 4 members population distribution (demography) (PD) – 4 members human health and safety (HH) – 5 members PD and HH both closely related to SU
Statistical Cluster best practices European population grid map from the GEOSTAT project: most EU countries disseminate statistics in a harmonized way using the ETRS89-LAEA 1km2 grid (INSPIRE GG compliant) – most „INSPIRE mature” activity Other activities / harmonization attempts: population grid data using the PD model (Netherlands) testing INSPIRE compliance of HH data (Denmark) -disseminating statistics with AU Services (Italy)
Statistical Cluster discussions implementation examples, INSPIRE related activity examples (INSPIRE Conference) population classifications statistical grid usage, statistical grid dissemination with use of Web Coverage Services (WCS), GML not feasible data model clarifications
Thematic cluster/sub-group proposals for gaps filling, improvements related to the technical work of MIG MIWP (working plan) 2 data specification / implementing rules issues identified so far: SU – IR limits pan-european grid usage to the grid defined in GG theme, while there’s an extended grid package defined in SU (simple issue) PD – room for improvement in the DS – one more featureType needed for the data to be more usable (complex issue, needs more discussion)