American Heart Association MISSION To Reduce Disability and Death from Heart Disease and Stroke
Objectives ID Resources Define AHA policy Describe Roles Technical Aspects Evaluate Providers Provide Assistance
American Heart Association Hierarchy
Training Center Your Training Center is: CPR2U LLC or Northwest Medical Your Training Center Coordinator is: William Spurbeck My Phone Number: 469-8913 – Office 400-8204 – Cell E-mail –
Training Center Responsibilities Signs agreement with AHA- Agreeing to provide courses according to AHA Standards Provides updates to instructors Provides instructor programs Maintains instructor/course records Transfers records upon request Assists instructors to obtain equipment
Training Center Coordinator Responsibilities Oversees all operations of the Training Center Primary contact for the AHA Maintains all records Distributes cards
Instructors Responsibilities Teach courses according to AHA Guidelines Completed Rosters Support programs in community Keep Current Keep track of classes
Lead Instructor Responsible for Course Cards from his/her Training center Verify that all instructors are current
Completing your Instructor To complete your Instructor course you must be monitored teaching a class within 90 days of taking the Instructor course
Instructor Renewal Skills check off Demo teaching skills Attend any Updates Expiration date
TEXTS Before During After Library
Test Kept Secure Given as written test Pass with 84%
AHA Copyright Written Request to National Office Trademark Business Cards Text Book Advertisements
Grievance Process The intent of this Training Center is to allow for two-way communication with all students, instructors and community members involved in any grievance
Grievance Procedure The student or instructor should first discuss the grievance with the parties involved If a resolution can not be met please contact the Training Center Coordinator If a resolution is not achieved the complaint will then be forwarded to AHA chairperson
Distribution of ECC Materials Channing L. Bete Laerdal Medical Corp. WorldPoint
Instructor Resources Video Scenario cards Organizational tools Cognitive videos Watch-and-practice videos Scenario cards Organizational tools Algorithms Skills performance sheets Annotated written exams
The Paperwork
Key Documents Required Following Course Course Agenda Roster Station Evaluation Form Test Answer sheet Course Evaluation
Rosters Submitted within 10 working days No Exceptions Issued only to lead Instructor
Cards 3/24/2017 3/2019 2 years (must be dated for two years) 3/24/2017 3/2019 2 years (must be dated for two years) Stamped or typed date Roster Forms
Teach Back Expectations Professional Attire. Collared shirts and dress pants. Dress shoes (no sandals or sneakers) No Ball caps or head gear on instructors. No Uniforms. Arrive 30 minutes prior to assist with set up and student greetings. May assist during first class observation at the discretion of Lead Instructor.
Teach Back Expectations Come to learn, assist and be a positive influence on students. Remember that this is a real class with trained professionals (Doctors, Nurse Practitioners, PA’s, Nurses, etc.). People have paid for this class, taken off time and have expectations.
Teach Back Expectations During class, cell phones should not be used by instructors unless entering students on Enrollware. Plan on 30 minutes after class to help clean, read evaluations and place classroom back together.
Teach Back Expectations Call off for Teach Back. Limited to 1 per discipline. Must be done 24 hours prior via Email to either Bill or Sean. Plan on 30 minutes after class to help clean, read evaluations and place classroom back together.
Requirements for Instructor Cards Observe 1 Class for setup and class organization. Teach 1 part of the 2nd class with CTC. Final class is to successfully teach the entire class in that discipline. May take more then 3 classes. Checkoff sheet will be required to be completed by each instructor after 1st class is completed. Instructor cards will only be issued by Bill or Sean.
Requirements for Instructor Cards If more then one discipline is being attained, finish each discipline teach back before moving to the next. Start with BLS and move from there.
Teaching on your own You will be able to teach outside class with CPR pending Training Center Approval No Teaching on own in ACLS & PALS You are responsible for the cost of cards, equipment and roster for your own class
Zero Tolerance Policy Issuing Cards without a class Not turning roster’s in No Show for class you scheduled to teach\assist Not following AHA Guidelines Not utilizing video’s Not utilizing exams
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