Chapter 22 Section 1 Day 2 Freedom Now! With the success of the Freedom Rides, Martin Luther King, Jr. steps up the efforts of the Civil Rights movement.
Continued Struggles In the South Freedom Rider’s commitment to nonviolence helped advance their cause However, racial discrimination was still very rampant in Schools Public facilities
University of Mississippi (Ole Miss) 1962 NAACP get court order requiring Ole Miss to accept black students in their college 1st student = James Meredith Problem Gov. Ross Barnett declared “No school will be integrated in Mississippi while I am governor!”
Sept. 30, 1962 James Meredith is kept from enrolling in classes by Gov Sept. 30, 1962 James Meredith is kept from enrolling in classes by Gov. Barnett! Riots break out on campus! 2 students were killed 375 injured.
Sept. 31, 1962 – May 1963 James Meredith was escorted to class by guards! He graduated top of his class!
Civil Rights in Georgia did not go so well! 1961 Martin Luther King, Jr. is arrested and put in jail Why? Civil disobedience. MLK, Jr. writes his famous “Letters from Birmingham Jail” Demands nonviolent protests go on without him!
Protests go bad!
To worse…
To terrible…
JFK finally does something to help!!!....sort of. Civil Rights Act of 1964 JFK writes this in summer of 1963 Did not publish it for fear of losing votes! Would have guaranteed all Americans the right to be served in facilities which are open to the public.
African Americans March to Washington demanding change! August 1963 Led by A. Phillip Randolph (74 yrs old!) Martin Luther King, Jr. Just got out of jail a few months earlier. They decided to bring some of their supporters…
March on Washington 200,000 Americans Marched!
Opening Speech was given by A Opening Speech was given by A. Philip Randolph on steps of Abraham Lincoln
Martin Luther King, Jr. would end the ceremonies with a speech titled “I have a Dream”