Learning and Teaching job family promotions Briefing for staff 18 July 2018 Simone Buitendijk Martyn Kingsbury
Our strategy We are the first top research-intensive university to implement evidence-based transformation in education university-wide supported by digital and online technology in partnership with students with a substantial financial investment
Our ambition To provide first class education and a top student experience To be renowned for applying the evidential rigour of our research to the evaluation of our education To be sought out as a source of inspiration, aspiration and collaboration in the UK and abroad
Key priorities, informed by evidence Fundamental review of our curricula and assessment Transformation of our pedagogy, making our teaching more interactive and less lecture-based Fostering an inclusive and diverse culture Developing online and digital tools which enhance our curricula, pedagogy and community
Recognition for learning and teaching “Our strategy will be realised by establishing a culture that values learning and teaching as highly as research, thus rewarding staff for their teaching. We will seek to establish robust and transparent structures to ensure that teaching faculty are consistently recognised for their achievements. We will strive for greater parity of esteem for teaching as a core activity at the same level as research.”
Name of presentation 17 February, 2019 The working group Professor Simone Buitendijk - Vice-Provost (Education) Chair Emma Caseley - Head of Strategic Projects, Education Office Kim Everitt - Deputy Director, HR Professor Nigel Gooderham - Assistant Provost (Academic Promotions) Dr Anita Hall - Senior Teaching Fellow, Department of Life Sciences Professor Martyn Kingsbury - Professor of Education Shireen Lock - Principal Learning Technologist, Faculty of Engineering Martin Lupton - Associate Dean and Head of Undergraduate Medicine Professor Omar Matar - Vice-Dean (Education), Faculty of Engineering Professor Nelson Phillips - Chair in Innovation and Strategy, Business School Professor Alan Spivey - Assistant Provost (Learning and Teaching) Robyn Lowe/Robert Cashman - Project support
A new framework for staff whose primary focus is learning and teaching Name of presentation 17 February, 2019 A new framework for staff whose primary focus is learning and teaching Designed to recognise achievements in: the delivery of College’s educational mission educational leadership educational transformation, for example innovating curricula and pedagogy educational scholarship, research and evaluation national and international leadership roles which support the College's mission to excel and to lead in the field of Higher Education
Name of presentation 17 February, 2019 What’s changed? A revised career structure which allows for two distinct career pathways for learning and teaching staff: A practitioner pathway enabling educational practitioners to access promotion based on their contribution and impact (Levels 3 to 6) An educational research pathway for staff who are focussed on scholarly activity and research within higher education, as opposed to research within their own subject discipline (Levels D and E) Revised role profiles setting out representative/exemplar activities New titles of Associate Professor of Education and Reader in Education New titles (Associate Clinical Teacher, Senior Clinical Teacher and Principal Clinical Teacher) to recognise NHS staff who teaching our students in clinical environments The title Professor of Practice (Education) will no longer be available NB The role profiles are intended to cover representative work activities rather than be prescriptive in nature. They provide an indication of the types of tasks, and their level of complexity, which would be expected at the different levels of the Learning and Teaching job family. They are intended to demonstrate the typical progression in these tasks. The Group does not expect staff to necessarily undertake all of the tasks listed and is aware that some staff will be undertaking different tasks. It is expected that the role profiles will provide a point of reference for those designing new jobs. Doing so will support future promotions possibilities by providing staff with a set of tasks in which they can grow and progress.
New job family structure Name of presentation 17 February, 2019 New job family structure 1. The Learning and Teaching job family recognises achievements in: a. the delivery of College's educational mission b. educational leadership c. educational transformation, for example innovating curricula and pedagogy d. educational scholarship, research and evaluation e. national and international leadership roles which support the College's mission to excel and to lead in the field of Higher Education 2. Progression for all staff in the Learning and Teaching job family is through promotion (rather than Hay job level review) 3. Promotion to Levels 3b, 4, 5 and 6 will be through the new Learning and Teaching promotions process. Promotion to Levels D and E will be through the normal Academic Promotions process. 4. Staff in the Academic and Research job family wishing to transfer to the Learning and Teaching job family should apply using the appropriate promotions process (outlined in 3 above). Staff in the Learning and Teaching job family wishing to transfer to the Academic and Research job family should apply using the Academic Promotions process. 5. For clinical staff within the Faculty of Medicine, the titles Clinical Teaching Fellow or Clinical Education Fellow are used at Levels 3 and 4, with Senior Clinical Teaching Fellow or Senior Clinical Education Fellow used at Level 5.
Practitioner pathway – new promotions process Name of presentation 17 February, 2019 Practitioner pathway – new promotions process Replaces the existing Hay job evaluation method Based on personal achievement Recognising contribution and impact All eligible staff should have equal access to career progression Engagement with educational research not required for progression in this pathway
Practitioner pathway - criteria Staff will be expected to demonstrate achievement across four categories: Contribution to the College’s Educational Mission Educational Research, Evaluation and Critical Enquiry Leadership and Management Profession and Practice All staff expected to engage in the activities of evaluation and critical enquiry as part of the development of an evidence-based personal practice
Practitioner pathway - paperwork New application form - only complete those sections of the form which are relevant Citation from your line manager, Director of UG/PG Studies or Head of Department (whichever is most appropriate) Opportunity to submit a supporting statement from a student who is familiar with your work (for applicants in student-facing roles) References required for promotion to Level 6 only
Practitioner pathway - panel Professor Simone Buitendijk Vice-Provost (Education) and Chair of Panel Professor Alan Spivey, Assistant Provost (Learning & Teaching) Professor Martyn Kingsbury, Director of Educational Development Alejandro Luy, Deputy President (Education), Imperial College Union A Vice-Dean (Education), nominated by the Chair Anita Hall/Shireen Lock, teaching fellow/learning technologist rep (depending on the roles being considered) Anna Demetriades HR rep
Educational research pathway Name of presentation 17 February, 2019 Educational research pathway A new career pathway for staff focussed on educational research, leading to full Professor of Education New titles Associate Professor of/Reader in Education at Level D To be considered staff will need to develop appropriate educational research activity Staff will have research responsibilities in their contract, therefore will be considered as ‘research active’ for REF Progression in research will involve a growing national and international reputation combined with individuals making an increasing impact on their discipline or profession. At all levels appropriateness and originality is important, seminal research and influence of increasing importance become of increasing importance in moving to Reader/Associate Professor and Professor. REF - The Working Group also recommends that work be undertaken to consider what form a submission might take for staff appointed to Levels D and E of the Learning and Teaching job family.
Educational research pathway – promotions Name of presentation 17 February, 2019 Educational research pathway – promotions Promotion through the normal annual academic promotions process Staff currently within the Learning and Teaching job family and the Academic and Research job family may apply for promotion via this pathway Committee to include the Assistant Provost (Learning and Teaching) and the Director of Educational Development in addition to the Vice-Provost (Education)
Educational research pathway – criteria Name of presentation 17 February, 2019 Educational research pathway – criteria The academic promotions process takes into account contributions to Education Research Leadership and management Profession and practice Staff will be expected to have influence and impact at Faculty/College Level be making a significant contribution to the delivery of the College’s Learning and Teaching Strategy be increasingly involved in educational research and scholarship, contributing to the field and enhancing day-to-day practice Talk about what good educational scholarship looks like, good journals etc
Educational research pathway – criteria Name of presentation 17 February, 2019 Educational research pathway – criteria “Progression in research will involve a growing national and international reputation combined with individuals making an increasing impact on their discipline or profession. At all levels appropriateness and originality is important, seminal research and influence become of increasing importance in moving to Reader/Associate Professor and Professor.” Support available for staff to develop educational research, EDEN, Library etc
Timetable Termly promotions process for Levels 3 to 6 First deadline for submissions Monday, 20 August 2018 Annual academic promotions process for Levels D and E Guidance published in September Additional briefings for staff interested in applying for promotion to Associate Professor of Education, Reader in Education and Professor of Education in October
Further information Information available from the HR website Name of presentation 17 February, 2019 Further information Information available from the HR website FAQs available Panopto recording of the briefing sessions to be made available on the HR website Academic promotions briefings - educational research pathway 9 Oct Charing Cross 11 Oct South Ken
Any questions? Professor Simone Buitendijk Professor Martyn Kingsbury Dr Anita Hall, Faculty Senior Tutor and Senior Teaching Fellow