Harderwijk Name:Bastian Maris
Introducing About me About my family About harderwijk The school RSG Why I choose for this school How I go to school About hockey
About me I am 13 years old I play hockey I have no pets I like the summer
About my family I have one sister and a dad and a mother. My sisters hobby is hockey and shopping. My mothers hobby is hockey and cooking. My dad is often in a other country for his work
About Harderwijk Harderwijk is laying in Gelderland Gelderland is in Holland. Harderwijk is a nice place. Every winters is there a Icerink and in the summer sometimes in the summer there is a party on the lake
About RSG Rsg is a school in Holland, RSG is a school that provides secondary school general secondary education. There are more than 1000 people on this school
Why I choose for this school It was the nicest It is very big They are very friendly They have mavo havo and vwo
The canteen in our school Every day we have a break and we go to the canteen. In the canteen you can buy food or drinks
How I go to school I go with the bike to school. When there is rain sometimes my mother brings me.
About hockey I am sitting in 1C that is a class from 11 until 13 years Next year I go to the B With this stick you can play hockey This thing you have in your mouth