Catherine Holloway Peter Smitham Nick Tyler Andrew Symonds Michael Mentink Stephen Taylor
Sensewheel Mk2 design changes Wireless: each slave connected to master via Bluetooth LIPO battery inside slave load cell, rechargeable Master as tablet or ultimately SmartPhone 6 d.o.f. load measurements at each slave, combined in software to calculate wheel kinetics More robust
MkII 6 dof (Mx, My, Mz, Fx, Fy, Fz) Bluetooth connection between slave load cells and master Each slave load cell sends data to the master at a maximum sample rate of 100 Hz Master designed to be a Windows enabled tablet
Sensewheel Mk2 forces and moments Fx1 Fz1 Fy1 1 My1 Fx1 Mz1 S1 From TOP Y Axle X Fy2 Fy1 Fy3 Fz1 Fx2 Fx3 Mx1 Mz2 Mz3 3 2 S1 From LEFT
Bluetooth link to/from six slaves (3 left, 3 right wheel) Sensewheel Mk2 GUI USB1 USB2 USB3 USB4 USB5 USB6 DLL Bluetooth Sync slaves, poll, unpack streams and synchronise slave data FRONT PANEL Decode blocks of data from DLL PROCESSING Configuration file Slave calibration files Strain data Wheel angles Accelerometer data Wheel calibration offsets Matrix calculations Determine force system (tangential, radial, axial, moment, FEF User display: FEF, speed, ? Start / stop Record forces Display FEF estimate