Chapter XXIII Column 2
primum Meaning: first Part of Speech: adverb
domum Meaning: homeward, home Derivatives: Domicile Domestic domesticate
ducam Meaning: I shall take Part of Speech: Verb (future tense)
ferent Meaning: they will carry Part of Speech: Verb (future tense) Derivatives: ferry
curabo Meaning: I shall take care of Part of Speech: Verb (future tense) Derivatives: curator
Multa et mira Meaning: many wonderful things Part of Speech: adjectives used as nouns
Mirus, mira, mirum Meaning: wonderful, marvelous Part of Speech: Adjective Derivatives: Miracle miraculous
videbunt Meaning: they will see Part of Speech: Verb (future tense)
Curro, currere, cucurri To run
Descendo, descendere, descendi To come down, to go down, to climb down
Ago, agere, egi To drive, to do
Conduco, conducere, conduxi To hire