IX EEE MEETING 06-07-08 December 2018 Liceo Marconi Parma ERICE Consiglio Francesco - Elettari Jacopo
EEE PROJECT IN PARMA: «Spreading scientific research among students»
ACTIVITIES 2017/2018 Since the beginning of the EEE Project our school has been keen on promoting it by involving a large number of students and by including it among the work experience options (alternanza scuola-lavoro).
THEORETICAL BACKGROUND COURSE The students attend an introductive course where they acquire the basic notions about cosmic rays and how they are detected.
DATA PROCESSING: MUON LIFETIME During the last school year some students, in cooperation with the Department of Physics of the Parma University, have learnt how to draw graphs by using the Phyton . Through these tools they have been able to estimate the muon lifetime. The results have been reported in the booklet on the right.
INTERNATIONAL COSMIC DAY 2017-2018 A group of students, together with other students coming from Emilia Romagna, have taken part in the international Cosmic Day in Bologna. The event has been reported by the local press.
EUROPEAN RESEARCHERS’ NIGHT 2018 In cooperation with the Department of Physics of the Parma University our school has also participated to the «European researchers’ night» displaying all our activities and giving people access to our EEE lab.
FESTIVAL DELLA SCIENZA During the Science Festival which took place at Dallara, a company which develops racecars, a group of students presented the EEE Project and their work concerning the muon lifetime to students coming from different schools.
ECHO OF THE PROJECT Liceo Rioti in Ferrara has carried out a survey about the scientific projects involving secondary schools of Emilia Romagna. Much of the article has been devoted to the description of how the EEE Project is managed by the Liceo Marconi. The work is supervised by Ms. Marconi, a physics teacher in our school.
POLARQUEST 2018 23 high school students from Norway, Italy and Switzerland take part in a unique cosmic project: the assembly of the Polar- QuEEEst detector. This special device is designed to detect cosmic rays. This summer, the Polar-QuEEEst detector headed north on board sailboat Nanuq for a scientific expedition to Iceland, Svalbard and Norway.