THE DEVELOPMENT OF A FIELD EXPERIMENT METHOD FOR BEING USED IN PRACTICE IN AGRICULTURE The words of Karl Marks are known everywhere. The first income (additional cost) is the income of sun energy use by green plants. The problem of the best plants capabilities of use Sun energy is very important in an agriculture science and practice. It depends of a human activity. Human being is a culmination of Nature. The new development in the field experiment methods was created for such project as ”optimal decisions in agriculture economy”. The aim of such project is the optimal use of all resources: the sun energy, genetic plant properties, the mechanism of flexible agriculture production management, scientists researches etc. The final aim is the harvest of qualified fodder receiving (first of all hay) in a possible bigger quality as well as biological nitrogen storing in soil so much as possible during a season work with grasslands.
THIS PROBLEM INCLUDES AN ECONOMY AND ECOLOGY AT THE SAME TIME THIS PROBLEM INCLUDES AN ECONOMY AND ECOLOGY AT THE SAME TIME. SUCH PROJECT SHOWS THE WAY TO SUSTAINABLE LAND USING. The main object of our field experiment method was to present a real field by means of its information and then computer model so that the sowing state is clear perfectly for different experts. Such kind of models gives opportunity to use Internet for transferring the sowings computer models at distance. In such way the recommendations of experts may be received very quickly. So an expert”s experience may be used for the making optimal decisions in agriculture. The Microsoft operation system software was used during this work.
The information is represented in two ways – graphic and text. That is a photo of the certain part of the sowing reflecting the information about two sowing features – the crop phenological phase and the sowing architectoniics (plants mutual arrangement in the sowing).
SUCH KIND OF MODELLING ALLOWS TO SEE THE SITUTION INSIDE THE SOWING, TO INSPECT THE SOWING STATE. Besides video frames the voice information may be added. THIS DEVELOPMENT MAY BE USEFUL FOR EXTENTION SERVICES ALL OVER THE WORLD. The Russian experts can take part in the optimal decisions making. THE CLIMATE CHANGE MAY BE TAKEN INTO ACCOUNT ALSO. Such models of clover grasslands were constructed by me with the help of specialists of Leningrad Science Research Institute of Russian Academy of Agriculture Science in 2003, 2004 ,2005 years.
The methodology of Extension-services education is suggested The methodology of Extension-services education is suggested. It is constructed by means of problem situations in agriculture. The multisubject program with electronic teacher is developed. Multimedia is used to promote its mastering. Efficiency is achieved thanks to the methods of active teaching. It is qualified education during the short time. It expands one”s analytical thinking, promotes the ability to integrate knowledge from different areas, teachers to formulate tasks and make optimum decisions. A connection between biology and economics is given by means of the income (profit) calculation in the case of the green fodder production. This production and the crop growing are shown with the computer models help of electronic textbook. The fodder production is organized on condition of artificial climate. The acquaintance with the real green fodder production is suggesting. Now this green fodder is selling for cats of Saint-Petersburg.
R E S U L T S (WITH A LITTLE FINANCIAL SUPPORT OF MY SON ANDREY PLATONOV AND THE SUPPORT OF HIS FAMILY) HIGH-TECK TECHNOLOGIES AT THE ECONOMY, ECOLOGY, MANAGEMENT OF THE NATURE USE. 1. Education technology with methodology of ”problem based learning”. The program contains the electronic teacher. It may be realized as seminar “Optimal decisions in the economy, ecology, management of nature use”. 2. Computer models of clover grasslands during the fodder stock. 3. Expert system on red clover for the cows fodder stock and for the soil restoration. It is being developed. The knowledge base is created.