In the Name of God Most Greasiest the Most Merciful
Construction Engineering And Management Department CEM 515 Semester 082 8th march 2009
Supervised by Dr. Abdulaziz Bubshait
Prepared by AL-Yamani Muhammad
Collected Samples A number of ( 21 ) samples were collected, where every one of it is representing an idea of one of my classmate about how he think the safety department at KFUPM can be improved.
AFFINITY TECHNIQUE Pre to AFFINITY Technique – one of the quality tools - those ideas need to be categorized and sorted on the base of there similarity. As a result of that, I found that the collected samples were sorted into six different topics according to there similarity. A pile was attached to every single group and thin was given a related topic.
Piles’ Topics Staff. Training. Equipments. Facilities. Cooperation. Safety Codes.
Pile # 1 : STAFF Availability of 2 telephone operators Assigning of Safety Coordinator
Pile # 2 : Training Safety Awareness Sessions Distribution of Safety Posters Remained employees about safety rules Continues training for Staff Increase Public Awareness Train Students on safety & Emergency procedures Conduct a certified training for the Staff Schedule training for students about usage of F.E. Advise drivers about traffic rules Participate in Safety campaigns Periodic fire test awareness
Pile # 3: Equipments Usage of hi-Tech smoke & fire detectors Connecting fire fighting systems to control room Having a CO2 system
Building a new fire station at KFUPM Pile # 4: Facilities Building a new fire station at KFUPM
Cooperate with other organizations to exchange experience Pile # 5: Cooperation Cooperate with other organizations to exchange experience
Pile # 6: Safety Codes. Housekeeping Posting all safety procedures on all equipments Implementation of OSHA in designing of houses at KFUPM
BAR CHART No. of cards Type of Topic
Conclusion It can be easily noticed that pre to those ideas that the training is the effective and required way to improve the level of safety at KFUPM, since it weighed more than ( 52 %) of the collected sample .
Thank you