3/04/08 BR- What is the purpose of cross examination questions? Today: Outlining Your Cross Ex Questions.
Cross Examination Is your chance to weaken the evidence offered by the opposing witness. Use statements/evidence made to strengthen your own case It Should be planned but flexible. Know what you want from the witness but adapt to questions that come up in trial. Leading Questions (yes/no.) Only ask a question that you know the answer to.
What are we working on.. Continue to refine direct examination questions and answers. Opening and closing statements (see today) AND Cross examination outline (Due Thursday) (25 points)Attorneys- write out what questions you want to ask and why you are asking them (25 points)Witnesses- what areas do you think you’ll be asked about and how can you respond.
What’s up this Week Wednesday - work on cross ex questions/direct exam questions/opening/closing statements Thursday- (check in for points-cross examination outline) Continue working Friday- begin running through the trial. We will have opening and closing statements from plaintiff and defense and then the plaintiffs will begin to present their case. Defense will cross examine.