A godly family KO^lo^si 3:18-21 Colossians 3:18-21


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Presentation transcript:

A godly family KO^lo^si 3:18-21 Colossians 3:18-21 May 9, 2010 A godly family KO^lo^si 3:18-21 Colossians 3:18-21

18 Wives, submit to your husbands, as is fitting in the Lord. 18 Zoux auv nyei mienh aah! Oix zuqc mbuoqc ganh nyei nqox. Hnangv naaiv zoux se puix sienx Ziouv nyei mienh. 18 Wives, submit to your husbands, as is fitting in the Lord.

19 Husbands, love your wives and do not be harsh with them. 19 Zoux nqox nyei mienh aah! Oix zuqc hnamv ganh nyei auv, yaac maiv dungx zoux doqc ninh. 19 Husbands, love your wives and do not be harsh with them.

20 Fu'jueiv aah! Yiem maanc sic oix zuqc muangx diex maac weic zuqc naaiv se zoux horpc Ziouv nyei hnyouv. 20 Children, obey your parents in everything, for this pleases the Lord.

21 Zoux die nyei mienh aah. Maiv dungx cuoqv meih mbuo nyei fu'jueiv 21 Zoux die nyei mienh aah! Maiv dungx cuoqv meih mbuo nyei fu'jueiv. Nzauh heix ninh mbuo hnyouv namx. 21 Fathers, do not embitter your children, or they will become discouraged.

Introduction Biux Mengh Waac This passages teaching us how to get alone with our family. Many of us not able to get alone with our own family, because we are not doing our job. Biux Mengh Waac Naaiv ginc Ging-Sou njaaux mbuo hnangv haaix nor haih caux duqv mbuo nyei hmuangv doic njiec. Mbuo maaih mienh camv nyei mv haih caux ganh nyei hmuangv doic maiv njiec, weic zuqc mbuo maiv zoux mbuo nyei buonc gong.

Naaiv se dongh dauh dauh Giduc Mienh oix buatc mbuo nyei hmuangv hnamv Tin-Hungh nyei jauv. It is the dream of every Christian to have a godly family Not All Christians Have Godly Families Maiv zeiz yietc zungv Giduc Mienh maaih hnamv Tin-Hungh nyei hmuangv doic nzengc

Benx Nyungc Zeiv Bun Mienh Zuotc An Example For Others To Follow Ziepc zuoqv Hnyouv Bun Ziouv Faithful to The Lord Mbuo yaac hiuv duqv maaih deix hmuangv doic, mbuo hnamv daaih yietc zungv benx sienx Tin-Hungh nyei mienh. We all know of families that we think of as godly families. Wuonv nyei Jaa. Great / Solid Marriage Benx Nyungc Zeiv Bun Mienh Zuotc An Example For Others To Follow Dorh longx ninh mbuo nyei fu’jueiv Raise Their Children Well

“Godless & Godly” Maiv sienx Tin-Hungh mienh se beih zangc zoux hnangv sienx nyei nor, mv baac yiem hnyouv gu’nyuoz maiv nyiemc Ninh. Godless persons characterized by a outward attitudes, but inside their heart denying Him. Sienx Tin-Hungh nyei mienh yiem hnyouv gu’nyuoz gamh nziez yaac taaih Tin-Hungh. Godly persons characterized by inward of fear and reverence of God.

Oix maaih hnamv Tin-Hungh nyei hmuangv doic, jiex gorn se oix zuqc maaih gorqv-zeic hnamv Tin-Hungh nyei mienh yiem hmuangv doic. Godly Families Begin With The Individuals In The Family “Therefore, prepare your minds for action; be self-controlled; set your hope fully on the grace to be given you when Jesus Christ is revealed.” 1 Peter 1:13 “ Weic naaiv oix zuqc liuc leiz ziangx hnyouv, gunv jienv ganh, yaac longc nzengc hnyouv hnamv Yesu Giduc aengx daaih wuov zanc ninh oix ceix bun meih mbuo nyei en.” 1 Bide 1:13

Hnamv Tin-Hungh nyei hmuangv doic Godly Families I. Maaih gamh nziex Tin-Hungh taaih Tin-Hungh nyei fiem-fingx I. Atmosphere of the Fear of God

Diex maac gamh nziex Tin-Hungh Yaac njaaux fu’jueiv gamh nziex Tin-Hungh taaih Tin-Hungh. Parents Fear God & Teach Their Children to Fear God 1. Gamh nziez Tin-Hungh. Awe of God (Jonah 1:9) 2. Nzauh heix mv haih zoux mv horpc Tin-Hungh. Afraid of Displeasing (1 Sam. 11:7) 3. Tin-Hungh gorngv haaix nyungc ei jienv zoux. Do What God Says (Deut 13:4) 4. Zorqv ganh bun Tin-Hungh. Dedicated (Deut 10:12, 20) 5. Njaaux fu’jueiv. Teach Children (Deut 4:9-10)

Gorngv taux Lingh Wuonh nyei jauv Emphasis is on the Spiritual(1 Peter. 3) Gamh nziex yaac sienx kaux Tin-Hungh. Fears & trusts in God (vv. 2, 5) Nzauh taux nqox nyei lingh wuonh jauv. Concern for husband’s soul (vv 1-2) Zoux cing-nzengc. Pure (v. 2) Zorng hnyouv gu’nyuoz nzueic mv zeiz beih zangc. Focus on inward not outward (vv. 3-6) Mbuoqc nqox weic zuqc gamh nziez Tin-Hungh. Submits because of fear (vv. 1, 6) Nzauh Tin-Hungh maiv dau daux gaux nyei waac. Concerned about hindrances (v. 7)

Biauv se Tin-Hungh zeix daaih. God created the home (Gen. 2:18-25) Zieqv duqv gorngv hmuangv doic se Tin-Hungh Liepc daaih caux Tin-Hungh dorh jauv. Recognize Designed by God & Directed by God Biauv se Tin-Hungh zeix daaih. God created the home (Gen. 2:18-25) Tin-Hungh ganh dorh jauv. God directs the home (Prov. 2:17) Tin-Hungh hiuv duqv longx jiex. God knows best Tin-Hungh nyei waac se benx wuonv zangx. God’s Word is the standard

Treat other as you want to be Treated (Matt. 7:12) II. Family Respect One Another II. Biauv zong laanh taaih laanh Hnamv = Love (Eph. 5:25; Titus 2:4; 1 Cor. 13) Zoux longx / Maaih noic = Kind / Gentle (1 Pet. 3:7; Col. 4:6) Zoux bun mienh hnangv meih oix mienh zoux bun meih nor. Treat other as you want to be Treated (Matt. 7:12) Laengz nyiemc suei. Each Deny Self (Mark 8:34)

III. Communicate Effectively Jiu Tong Doic Se Benx Longx Jiez Nyei Jauv. The Risk: Hmuangv doic bun Nqoi doic se weic Laaix mv maaih Jiu tong doic nyei jauv. Cai-doix leih doic Weic mv maaih Jiu tong jauv gaux. Diex maac caux Fu’jueiv yaac Mv maaih jiu Tong jauv The Reason: Jiu tong longx nyei Jauv se benx zangv Hmuangv doic. Cai-doic juangc yiem oix zuqc bieqc hnyouv Doic (1 Pet. 3:7) Mbuo se benx yietc Norm Sin (Matv^taai 19:6) The Requirements: Gorngv waac (E^fe^so 5 & 6) Muangx waac (Yaagorpc 1:19) Zoux hnyouv suonc (Prov. 29:22) Oix zuqc horpc fim dongh eix (Phil 4:2)

Hnamv Tin-Hungh nyei hmuangv doic I. Maaih fiem-fingx gamh nziez Tin-Hungh II.Taaih ginx ganh dauh mienh III. Maaih Jiu Tong Jauv longx nyei IV. Maaih Hnyouv zoux mbuo nyei gong-buonc

Nqox Fu’jueiv Auv Diex Maac IV. Maaih hnyouv zoux mbuo nyei gong-buonc Dorh – yaac ndaam-dorng (E^fe^so 5:25- 28; 1 Bide 3:1-7) Longc suonc hnyouv dorh - maiv zeiz nzunc (1 Bide 3:7) Oix zuqc goux ganh nyei hmuangv doic (1 Ti^mo^tai 5:8) Nqox Oix zuqc taaih diex maac, yaac oix zuqc muangx diex maac nyei waac (E^fe^so 6:1-4; 2 Ti^mo^tai 3:1-5) Fu’jueiv Oix zuqc maaih hnyouv mbuoqc ganh nyei nqoi (1 Bide 3:1-6; Tidatc 2:4-5) Auv yaac oix zuqc ziux goux biauv zong hmuangv doic (1 Ti^mo^tai 5:14; Tidatc 2:5; Congh Mengh Waac 31:10-31) Auv Oix zuqc ei Ziouv nyei leiz dorh longx ganh nyei fu’jueiv, yaac njaaux ninh mbuo muangx waac (E^fe^so 6:4) Diex maac oix zuqc njaaux fu’jueiv gan ninh horpc zuqc yangh nyei jauv, zuov ninh hlo daaih ninh ziouc maiv leih nqoi. (Congh Mengh Waac 22:6). Diex Maac

Hnamv Tin-Hungh Nyei Hmuangv Doic I. Maaih fiem-fingx gamh nziez Tin-Hungh II. Hmuangv doic laanh taaih laanh III. Hmuangv doic maaih jiu tong jauv longx nyei IV. Maaih hnyouv zipv mbuo nyei gong-buonc V. Hatc njaaux fu’jueiv zoux horpc nyei jauv

Goux Longx / Mangc Jienv V. Hatc & Njaaux Fu’jueiv Nyei Jauv Hatc Fu’jueiv Nyei Jauv Congh Mengh Waac 13:24 Congh Mengh Waac 19:18 Congh Mengh Waac 22:15 Congh Mengh Waac 23:13-14 Congh Mengh Waac 29:15 Ei Ziouv Nyei Njaaux Fu’jueiv Congh Mengh Waac 22:6 E^fe^so 6:1-4 Nzamc Leiz-Latc 6:7 Goux Longx / Mangc Jienv Maiv dungx bun mienh nduov fu’jueiv (1 Ko^lin^to 15:33; Nzamc Leiz-Latc 6:12; Cuotv I^yipv 34:10-ff)

Hnamv Tin-Hungh Nyei Fai? Mbuo Nyei Hmuangv Hnangv Haaix Nor? Hnamv Tin-Hungh Nyei Fai? Dongh haaix nyungc fiem-fingx? Laanh hnangv haaix zoux bun Laanh? Longc ziangh hoc caux doic jiu tong nyei fai? Maaih hnyouv zipv mbuo nyei gong-buonc nyei fai?

Hnamv Tin-Hungh Nyei Hmuangv Doic. Setv Mueiz Waac - Conclusion Hnamv Tin-Hungh Nyei Hmuangv Doic. I. Maaih hnyouv gamh nziez Tin-Hungh II. Biauv zong mienh laanh taaih laanh III. Hmuangv doic maaih jiu tong jauv longx nyei IV. Maaih hnyouv zipv mbuo nyei gong-buonc V. Hatc njaaux fu’jueiv zoux horpc nyei jauv