Family SOL Night Agenda 6:00- 6:35 - Dinner and Presentation Breakout Sessions: 3rd Grade – Ms. Cathcart’s Room - A11 4th Grade – Mrs. Connell’s Room – A7 5th Grade – Mr. Williams’ Room – C34 (Children can also be taken to the gym or art room for activities while the parents meet with the teacher). 6:40 – 7:00 - 1st session 7:05 – 7:25 - 2nd session 7:30- Evening Concludes
Welcome, We want to thank you all for being here! NOTE: To change images on this slide, select a picture and delete it. Then click the Insert Picture icon in the placeholder to insert your own image. Welcome, We want to thank you all for being here! Alicia Atkins, PTA President Mark Tyler, Principal Purpose of SOL Testing SOL schedule What we are currently doing? Expedited retakes Brooke Thompson, Associate Principal How can you support your child? Helpful website and sample questions 2 sessions– visit your child’s grade level for more specific tips
What is the purpose of SOL Tests? SOL results inform parents and communities about whether students — as individuals and collectively — are meeting the commonwealth’s expectations for achievement in English, mathematics, science and history. SOL tests allow the state Board of Education to identify schools that need assistance and support. The assessments also provide an objective means for measuring achievement gaps between student subgroups and for determining the progress of schools, divisions and the state toward closing these gaps.
What tests does my child take: SOL Testing Window: May 9 – May 24 3rd grade Reading and Math 4th grade Reading, Math, and Va. Studies 5th grade Reading, Math, and Science
SOL Test Scoring SOLs tests are scored using a scale developed by the Virginia Department of Education. The scale is: 500 – 600 Advanced 400 – 499 Proficient 331 – 399 Fail Basic 0 – 330 Fail Below Basic
Expedited Retake Test Expedited Retake Tests allow eligible students to retake SOL tests that they did not pass the first time as long as they fit into certain criteria: The score of the SOL is between 375 – 400. Extenuating Circumstances Parents must give permission for students to opt-in for retakes. Remediation will be provided for students participating in the Expedited Retake tests. The testing window for Expedited Retakes is May 30 through June 7.
What are we currently doing to prepare students: In the Classroom Data-informed lessons to meet the needs of all students Finish teaching the curriculum/ Review and remediation Focusing on the rigor and relevance of the instruction for students. Working with the district’s Math & Reading Specialists School-Wide Interventionists working with small groups Practice problems (Technology Enhanced Test Items –TEI) Testing Buddies Incentives & Celebrations
How you can support your child: In the coming weeks: Review skills and facts Carve out study time Talk to them about the upcoming tests Communicate with teachers Write down important test dates on the family calendar Encourage them to take advantage of the school-wide supports
How you can support your child: The night before/ day of test: Get a good night’s sleep Eat a healthy breakfast Wear comfortable clothes Arrive on time Talk to your child about the test
Helpful Website Please visit VDOE for helpful information and practice items: This will give you great insight to what the tests will look like and what your child will need to do for the various tests. Try the to take to complete practice tests together and discuss how your child found the answer to their questions.
Questions? Thank you all for coming! Please enjoy your time in the classroom learning about grade level specific requirements and expectations! We look forward to achieving great success and having Varina Elementary become Fully Accredited for the 2018 – 2019 school year! Breakout Sessions: 3rd Grade – Ms. Cathcart’s Room - A11 4th Grade – Mrs. Connell’s Room – A7 5th Grade – Mr. Williams’ Room – C34
Example question for reading:
Example question for math:
Example question for science:
Example question for VA Studies: