HR-XML Consortium, Inc. (US) The HR-XML Consortium is an independent, non-profit organization dedicated to the development and promotion of a standard suite of XML specifications to enable e-business and the automation of human resources-related data exchanges. From, 6 January 2003 See HR Open Standards Consortium Inc., A California Corporation (, 6 January 2016
HR Open Standards Consortium Inc. (US) The … standards for the Talent Management industry already exist! The HR Open Standards Consortium (stands for Human Resources Open Standards - used to be known as HR-XML), hosts various standards for recruiting, payroll, screening, …. Many solution providers already support the standards, especially in some domains (e.g. screening or assessment), and in some regions (e.g. Europe, including European Commission’s projects). Not all providers do support them though. For various and often counterproductive reasons. From 214283/How-Standards-Bolster-Innovation, 4 May 2015
Michael & Susan Dell Foundation (US) Transforming the lives of children living in urban poverty through better health and education. The Michael & Susan Dell Foundation was set up in 1999. Susan and Michael Dell have supported the foundation primarily through investing the proceeds of sales of shares of Dell Inc.. More than (USA) $650 million has been given to children's issues and community initiatives in the United States, India, South Africa as of 2010. Today the foundation has over $466 million assets under management. (More than $800 million in 2012). From, 21 February 2014 and the Foundation’s 2012 IRS form 990-PF.