Welcome to Eastcombe Primary School Squirrel Class Parents’ Meeting
Squirrel Class Structure 18 children in the class 3 Reception children 4 year 1 children 11 year 2 children Class Teachers: Mrs Lees Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday am with Mrs Fowles as TA Ms Bashford Wednesday pm, Thursday and Friday with Mrs Hunt as TA Thursday afternoons Mrs Jones for an hour Mrs O’Malley is full time 1:1 TA
Timetable M Phonics English 10:30-10:45 Break and snack Maths M Phonics English 10:30-10:45 Break and snack Maths 12:00 – 1:00 Lunch Topic (Thurs is class assembly) 2:45 Assembly Story KL Club T PSHE W PE French Science / English Y2 Swimming Rec/Y1 maths and English focus F Guided reading Art / RE 2:15 Golden Time
A typical day in Squirrel Class... 8.50-9.05 Morning activities and register 9.00 – 9.30 Phonics 9.30-10.30 Maths 10:30 – 11.00 Playtime and snack 11.00 – 12.00 English 12.00 -1.00 Lunch time 1.00 – 2.45 Art/ Topic/ PE/ Outdoor learning 2.45 - 3.15 Assembly and home time
Learning in Squirrel Class In Squirrel Class we have a topic focus each term. Autumn 1 :Mr Men The topic provides the main focus for all our learning in foundation subjects such as geography, history, art, DT, science, music and ICT. Autumn 2 : On the move
Subjects Phonics, maths, English (including speech and drama) History and Geography PHSE Music DT and art Science PE French RE
Events in the coming year Monthly runs Swimming this term New applications to the school Termly outings - Copesgrove Arts Week October Harvest Festival October Christmas week Ms Scott returns tbc January SATS and phonics screen Class assembly Summer term Sports day The Summer Production
Homework Lots of what you do at home really helps – including bedtimes and breakfast. Keep home learning fun. It might be short. Do it in your own way. Listen to your child’s interests and ideas. KS1 please practise times tables at home, starting with 2s, 5s, and 10s You have a homework sheet with a choice of activities. It explains how many to do by when. Send whatever evidence you like. We receive and show homework as a celebration.
Phonics at home and at school We use a systematic synthetic phonics scheme because they have been proven to work. We teach the 40 sounds and the various ways in which they are written. We’d love you to help – frequent repetition! Google Jolly Phonics to hear them. Not tuuuuh but t. We use these when the children are learning to read. They need to blend the sounds together. We teach ‘tricky words’ separately.
Reading and Spellings Please hear your child read. Every day if you can. This is really important! Keep it fun. We send sounds home for reception. We are trying not having spelling tests this term but teaching in school. Please correct pencil grip and letter formation. Please practise sounds at home daily.
Library We’ll keep it in blue tubs in the top playground – help yourselves. PUT THE LID ON! Please sign books out and return them at holidays. One at a time. Add your old ones.
WOW! Wall We have a WOW! wall in the classroom to celebrate the children’s learning and achievements both in school and at home. KS1 also welcome to use these.
Water Bottles We are keen to actively encourage the children to drink throughout the day and are aware that some children are not drinking enough. Please send their bottle full to school so we can monitor how much they are drinking. Please do not put water bottles in book bags as they often leak!
Behaviour Management Behaviour is good at the school because relationships are good and the children feel safe. We all understand the Golden Rules and mostly agree with them. Please endorse them at home. We listen to children when they make mistakes and help them to work out how to increase self control. We know reception children need some time to get used to what is expected. We use the feet and you’ll hear about it at home if the children get on to red. Please talk to us if there are any worries. We always act if children are not feeling happy and supported.
Rewards Children’s own sense of achievement and good relationships are paramount House points Silver and gold members Certificates and Friday assembly Golden time Star of the Week
Reminders Water bottles should contain only water and be in school every day. Reading books must be in school everyday and children are expected to read EVERY night at home. Waterproof coats with a hood should be in school every day just in case – we go out in any weather! PE kits on Wednesdays (and this Friday please)
And Finally… If you are available to help out in school and would like to get involved then please come and see me. We love having parent helpers in with us. We’d love some help for a short French session. If you have any worries or concerns please come in and see us and we will do our best to help you Mrs Leese and Ms Bashford