Additive Manufacture Founders’ Lecture Tuesday 10th May 2016 – 6pm Cleveland Institution of Engineers Founders’ Lecture Additive Manufacture Tuesday 10th May 2016 – 6pm Join us from 5:30pm for tea and coffee Centuria Building, Teesside University Sir Bradley Wiggins’ Handlebars made from Titanium at Sheffield University using Electron Beam Additive Manufacturing Prof Iain Todd BEng, PhD, FIMMM GKN/RAE Research Chair Professor of Metallurgy Sheffield University A 3D Printing “revolution” has been promised in recent years by experts and in the media. This has lead to a flurry of interest as to how these technologies might alter both our everyday personal and working lives. But, where is it going? And what might the future of this technology hold for engineers and society? These are some of the questions that will be explored in this talk. @The_CIE Cleveland Institution of Engineers 8 Affiliated to