Reminders OMAM Quiz, Chaps. 1-3 today! (We will watch the film before the quiz) Intro to Thesis and Claims (Pre-Outline) today!
Intro to Research Paper Pre-outline introduction
Pre-Outline What does it include? Thesis It answers the three questions in one sentence: Who is being marginalized? Who is marginalizing them? How are they being marginalized? Claim #1 Claim #2 Claim #3
Sample #1 Thesis Statement: Convicted Felons are being marginalized by the government because they have rights and privileges taken from them. Claim #1: Convicted Felons are being ostracized by not being able to be active citizens in the government. Claim #2: Convicted felons have many economic downfalls caused by their record and conviction. Claim #3: The government deprives convicted felons of the right to protect themselves and their country.
Sample #2 Thesis Statement: Native Americans are being marginalized by the US government, through unfair treatment of the race within government programs. Claim #1:Native Americans aren’t given equal treatment in the healthcare system because of their status in society Claim #2: The The United States Department of Education discriminates against Native Schools. Claim #3: Native Americans are discriminated against when voting because people feel they aren’t considered real Americans.
Of Mice and Men Watch film Quiz 1-3
Definition of Marginalization “The process whereby something or someone is pushed to the edge of a group and accorded lesser importance. This is predominantly a social phenomenon by which a minority or sub-group is excluded, and their needs or desires ignored.” “a group that lacks power or a voice”