Hawaii 2019 March 8-17, 2019
TOTAL COST $3750 PAYMENT DATES “Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So, throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” ~Mark Twain TOTAL COST $3750 PAYMENT DATES Deposit October 1st $150 $500 ($350 if deposit has already been paid) Thursday November 1st $1200 Monday December 3rd Friday January 18th $850
PASSPORTS *A passport valid for at least three months beyond the length of stay *A photocopy of the passport must be provided to STR Staff and one photocopy kept in Canada * Passports that have not yet expired can be mailed in for renewal with a new picture and completed passport application (see Service Canada website)
REMIND APP FOR PARENTS: HAWAII2019 How To Join? Option 1) Go to your App Store or Google Play Store - Download the REMIND app - Join @mbrockes Option 2) Please take out your cell phone and enter the following number (226) 887-1063 - Text this message @mbrockes Option 3) Go to https://www.remind.com/join/mbrockes
Follow: STRhawaiiTRIP How To Join? STEP 1) Go to your App Store or Goggle Play Store STEP 2) Download Instagram STEP 3) Request to follow STRhawaiiTRIP