Unit 8, Lesson 2 Polarity
Dipoles and Polarity A dipole is a partial separation of charge that exists when one end of a molecule has a slight excess of positive charge and the other end has a slight excess of negative charge. A molecule that has a permanent dipole is said to be polar. A bond between two atoms with different electronegativities gives rise to a dipole.
Pick-a-Side: Polar or Nonpolar? Ne H-H H-O O-Cl C-H 5 min
Symmetry and Polarity In addition to having permanent dipoles, a molecule must be asymmetrical in order to be polar. E.g. H2O and CH3Cl are asymmetrical and thus polar. BeF2 and BH3 are symmetrical and thus nonpolar. 10 min
Brain Break!
Demo: Luck or Science? (See Polarity Demo Handout and Answers) 20 min
Homework: Pg. 201 #10 5 min