RELIABLE, & AFFORDABLE ENERGY SOLUTIONS Hydropower in Alaska SAFE, RELIABLE, & AFFORDABLE ENERGY SOLUTIONS Bryan Carey, P.E. Hydro Group Manager Alaska Energy Authority BIA Providers Conference November 28, 2018 REDUCING THE COST OF ENERGY IN ALASKA
AEA’s mission is to reduce the cost of energy in Alaska SAFE, RELIABLE, & AFFORDABLE ENERGY SOLUTIONS AEA’s mission is to reduce the cost of energy in Alaska AEA is charged with a mammoth task: to help Alaska communities develop, finance, operate and maintain energy infrastructure for improved safety, reliability and affordability of consumer energy (so called to differentiated electricity and heat from the state’s extractive energy sector) Our mission is to reduce the cost of energy in Alaska. Our work includes programs and initiatives that identify and implement energy solutions that meet the discrete needs of Alaska’s many communities. We are the state of Alaska’s energy policy and planning lead, and we are a funding conduit for both state and federal dollars. We provide soup to nuts technical assistance, helping communities and utilities select, design, construct, pay for, and operate projects over the long term for maximum economic life of energy infrastructure. AEA is an energy solutions center for Alaska, working every day with the people and communities around the state making up this “living laboratory” to overcome challenges and capitalize on opportunities.
Hydropower is the original solar energy capture What Nature Gives Us Hydropower is the original solar energy capture The sun provides the energy for evaporation of water and for the air pressure differences which push water vapor. Water vapor condenses at higher elevations and runs back to the sea. The energy provided by the water at higher elevations can be converted to hydro power. The wind also produces waves and currents which can also be captured to produce hydro energy. The sun and moon also create tidal elevation differences in the sea which can be captured to produce energy.
Hydropower In Alaska Hydropower produces 20%-24% of Alaska annual electric Existing facilities tend to be in areas of high precipitation and greater topography.
How Hydropower is Captured Elevation differences (head) creates head pressure and water motion Turbines are used to convert water flow into electrical energy Power is proportional to head multiplied by discharge. Discharge characterizes the size of the hydro plant Discharge is proportional to Head^.5 Consequently, Power is proportional to Head^1.5 Head characterizes the type of plant.
How Hydropower is Captured Elevation differences creates head pressure and water motion Created by natural geography Hydroelectric power potential energy is dependent on elevation differences. This difference in potential energy drives water flow. The energy of the flowing water can be captured to produce energy.
Factors affecting the utilization of a hydroelectric resource Water supply Topography Geology Winter & ice conditions Regulations & land use Supporting infrastructure Power demand & cost of alternatives Funding, planning, & project management Environment Intake for hydropower project at Tazimina near Nondalton
Types of Hydropower In Alaska Conventional Lake storage Run of River Hydrokinetics River Tidal Wave
Lake Storage Hydropower In Alaska Very useful to utilities. Lake is a giant battery that can be used to produce power when needed. Little in downtime as the generators may be operated at near 100%.
Run of River Hydropower In Alaska Atka Falls Creek, Gustavus, More possible sites. Down side is power depends on flows and can be variable depending on rain or snow melt. Many Alaskan rivers have 10:1 ration of summer to winter flows so power production is lowest during the time of highest demand.
River Hydrokinetic Projects Multiple pilot projects Issues with debris, ice, seasonality Eagle, Nenana, Ruby, Igiugig
Tidal/Wave Hydrokinetic Projects Studied but not deployed in Alaska Alaska has 50% of wave energy in U.S.
Potential Hydropower Sites in Alaska Department of Energy’s (DOE) coordinated with Alaska Energy Authority (AEA) on a study on hydropower new stream-reach development (NSD) opportunities in Alaska to assess Alaska’s undeveloped hydropower. The DOE/AEA database contains: villages potential sites estimated flow capacity Generation The database is a starting point in that each site has site specific costs, environmental and land restrictions, and energy timing issues. As a part of the Department of Energy’s (DOE) 2014 study on hydropower new stream-reach development (NSD) opportunities in the U.S., Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) coordinated with the Alaskan Energy Authority (AEA) and the United States Army Corps of Engineers to assess Alaska’s undeveloped hydropower potential at sites where no dams currently exist. This study identified 437 feasible sites with a combined capacity of 4,723 MW. In 2016, ORNL met with the U.S. Department of Energy-Alaska Office to discuss hydropower development opportunities to support Alaska Native tribal communities. Once infrastructure constructed in an area more sites become possible to develop (lower costs).
Assistance to Possible and Current Dam Owners Alaska Energy Authority Have data on many potential sites Knowledge of issues other owners have Potential funding American Dams
ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY SAFE, RELIABLE, & AFFORDABLE ENERGY SOLUTIONS ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY 813 West Northern Lights Blvd. Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Phone: (907) 771-3000 Fax: (907) 771-3044 Toll Free 888-300-8534