Physical Features of Brazil On a sketch map of Brazil, please locate the following features. Rivers: Amazon Seas: North and South Atlantic Ocean Mts: Brazilian Highlands, Plateau of Mato Grosso Cities: Brasilia, Rio de Janeiro BRAZIL
RELIEF The most important physical features in Brazil are the Brazilian Highlands and the Amazon Basin. The South-east of Brazil is mountainous, up to 3000m and it forms part of the Brazilian Plateau which makes up 60% of the country. The rest of the country is made up of lowland plains.
The drainage basin of the Amazon occupies almost one The drainage basin of the Amazon occupies almost one Third of Brazil. The basin is made up of lowlands, swamps, floodplains and rainforests. Brazil has one of the largest river systems in the world. It has eight major drainage basins. The drainage basins of the rivers Amazon, Tocantins and Araguaia drain over 56% of the area.
EQUATORIAL Hottest part of Brazil = 32+ / rainfall 750mm Sun overhead most of the year – temps 32 degrees C = hot and humid. Temps at night 22 . Rainfall >2,000mm Semi-arid Temps > . 25 – rainfall <500mm Tropical Oceanic - Maritime – dry winter -60mm– Humid summer >18 – influenced by the sea – cool summers – sea breezes – mild winters Sub -Tropical Temps 28-30 – little variation – most rain in December
Temps in Brazil Above 25 20-25 <20
SOILS IN BRAZIL 1 The Terra Rossa Soil. - this occurs in the state of Sao Paulo and it is a dark red soil that contains much humus. It is used mainly for the growth of coffee trees. It is produced by the weathering of limestone rock under hot conditions – this causes iron oxide (rust) to form in the clay giving it its red colour. 2 In the Amazon Basin the main soil is fertile alluvium which is deposited along the flood plain of the river. It is used to allow the development of cattle ranches and agriculture in the deforested areas of the Amazon Basin. 3 Latosol soils exist under rainforests. This is the name given to a soil from which all the minerals have been leached due to heavy rainfall following deforestation. Minerals are washed downwards and can form a hardpan