Economic Expansion & the Working Class
Economic Expansion Spread of IR Railroads & industrialization More corporations World Economy Growing Population Emigration Immigration Huge move to cities
Problems of Workers Problems of Industrialization Reforms (up to 1850s) Fixing some issues Middle/Upper Class Reformers Greed of Entrepreneurs Working Class Radicals
Socialism Robert Owen-factory owner Selfish & unfair Improving cotton mill Treating Workers well Homes near factories No Child Labor Creation of Socialism Govt for reform State ownership Greater economic equality “Utopian socialists”
Karl Marx Misguided utopian socialists Karl Marx-scientific socialist Marx-radical activist Frederick Engels-radical Communist Manifesto Economic Issues of History Haves v. Have Nots Continued Class struggle Continuation throughout history
Continued Communist Thought Class Struggle of IR Bourgeoisie v. Proletariat Rich richer Poor poorer “Lose your chains” Classless Society of Communism All production to people Actually…government Everything shared equally!
Impact of Marxism Publish in 1848 Little short-term change Impact in 20th century Importance of economic factors Inaccuracy of predictions Improvement of workers’ lives Democratic Process/Reforms Communism in 20th century
Working Class Reform Change in Society Trade Unions Rights of Trade Unions Male Suffrage No woman 1871-French universal manhood suffrage Suffrage elsewhere
Realism Romanticism Focus on working Class Realism Paintings Realism Literature Working Conditions