PUBLIC SPEAKING Presented by Kimberly Stevens MODULE VIII Independently owned and operated
I have 3 hints for becoming a good public speaker Charlie Brown I have 3 hints for becoming a good public speaker Charlie Brown. You must know when to stand up. When to speak up and when to shut up.
What you will learn today… How to decrease fears Choose the right content and delivery Up your communication skills Hot Topics Prepare and practice How video can be instrumental How to practice and how often
Reduce Fear Prepare well Keep your focus on your audience not yourself Write out your presentation Practice/Submit videos for feedback, PRACTICE!!
7 Levels of Speaker Awareness MASTERY YEA Did they buy into you & your speech? INFLUENCE Make it fun for audience, don’t over educate them. ENTERTAINMENT BODY: How you stand, move hands . expressions should be natural. VOICE: Focus on the speed of delivery, passion, . pauses, people wing it but sound canned /boring. Words: Move here if you have a reason to speak and can --- think of the words to say but are blocked by fear & avoidance. DARKNESS: Fear, avoidance and feeling ill equipped dominate any public speaking ideas
AND THE SURVEY SAYS… Survey Agents: ask what topics they want to discuss, in conversation and by emailing prior to the presentation.
Great Content Hot Topics: Red flags that agents can watch for when house hunting that might be deal killers. One Stop Shop: Add on services and /or subcontracted services . USPs that benefit agents; warranty, work the weekends, same day report Your funny or interesting inspection stories
Public Speaking/Presentation Benefits You are seen as the expert You get to build relationships with agents You can make a lasting and great impression face to face You get to tell agents about your amazing services You get agent’s contact information from drawings for marketing Can teach and provide CE Courses that agents need Can provide Lunch & Learns for agents YOU GET BUSINESS
Audience Focused
Q & A Please ask questions or share your experiences