Buddhism Hearth = South Asia - originated in India as a reform movement of Hinduism Founded by Siddhartha Gautama or the Buddha in 5th cent. BC A strongly regional faith-it remains strong in SE Asia, China and Japan, but died out in India Four Noble Truths and the Eight Fold Path are the guiding principles Giant golden Buddha at Phra Phuttha Chinnarat in Thailand draws pilgrims from all over Southeast Asia
Buddhism came to Tibet from India in the 8th century (contagious diffusion) then spread into China Spiritual leaders are called monks (lamas in Tibet) A prayer wheel contains a mantra, a prayer or chant that is repeated many times. Each turn of the wheel counts as a prayer said and merit gained.
Sacred Landscapes of Buddhism Buddhist temples Buddhist monasteries
Judaism Hearth = Eastern Mediterranean One of the world’s oldest religions Monotheistic 3 branches - Orthodox, Conservative and Reformed Not evangelical-does not seek converts Concentrated in Israel, but widely scattered globally Yemeni Jew in 1914 reads from the sacred Torah Total number is about 18 million world wide 19th cent. Reform movement-goal to update Judaism Orthodox wanted to keep old precepts Conservative-less strictly Orthodox, but not as much change as Reformed.
Sacred Site of Jerusalem Jerusalem is sacred to three major religions: Islam, Christianity and Judaism
Western Wall, Jerusalem