frontier, nearby, orchards, survive, tame, wild Vocabulary: Johnny Appleseed frontier, nearby, orchards, survive, tame, wild
Johnny Appleseed Click on each word to see the definition! Read each vocabulary word and the definition. frontier nearby orchards survive tame wild Click on each word to see the definition! B. Take a Quiz???
frontier The pioneers traveled across the frontier in covered wagons. Meaning: the part of the country at the edge of a settled area Sentence: The pioneers traveled across the frontier in covered wagons.
nearby The pioneers built their homes in places with rivers nearby. Meaning: not far away Sentence: The pioneers built their homes in places with rivers nearby.
orchards Meaning: areas of land where fruit trees are grown Sentence: The farmer sells the apples from his orchards at a fruit stand.
survive A polar bear’s thick fur coat helps it survive in the cold. Meaning: stay alive Sentence: A polar bear’s thick fur coat helps it survive in the cold.
tame My brother found a tame cat under our house. Meaning: to bring under control or make more gentle Sentence: My brother found a tame cat under our house.
wild Many wild animals live in Africa. Meaning: in a natural state; not controlled by humans Sentence: Many wild animals live in Africa.
Johnny Appleseed Vocabulary Quiz DIRECTIONS: Read each question and click on the correct answer. If you get it wrong use the arrow button to go back to the question and try again. Click on the buttons to go to the next question.
A. survive B. frontier C. wild D. nearby The mother lion teaches her baby how to ____________ on its own in the wild. A. survive B. frontier C. wild D. nearby NEXT QUESTION
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That man caught a ___________ turkey in the woods. A. orchards B. frontier C. wild D. tame NEXT QUESTION
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A. tame B. orchards C. survive D. frontier Johnny planted appleseeds across the wild ___________ so the pioneers would have apples to eat at their new homes. A. tame B. orchards C. survive D. frontier NEXT QUESTION
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The trainer helped ____________ the wild dog. A. survive B. tame C. nearby D. frontier NEXT QUESTION
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A. members B. wild C. nearby D. orchards The little boy paid for the toy by himself, but his mother was ______________. A. members B. wild C. nearby D. orchards NEXT QUESTION
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A. nearby B. tame C. orchards D. survive We saw many orange ____________ when we went to Florida. A. nearby B. tame C. orchards D. survive NEXT QUESTION
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