12/5/18 Find your Articles from yesterday & grab the Argument outline graphic organizer
Reading Recap: While we READ with a purpose We REACT (annotations) based on our purpose.
While we read we reacted to the following: Identify the Author’s Argument/Claims (using color #1) Identify the Support for the claims (using color #2) Teacher’s Model:Watch Out:Cell phones can be addictive. Student’s Practice:The Distracted Teenage Brain
Watch Out: Cell Phones Can Be Addictive
Writing Recap
Journals- *Label the top of the pages as follows: Page 1-Brainstorm Page 2-Introduction Page 3-Body/Reason 1 Page 4-Body/Reason 2 Page 5-Body 3 Counterclaim/Turn back Page 6-Conclusion
Topic Sentence (SDS/ NS/ QQ/ S,S) Evidence/support [facts, statistics, data] Bridge Evidence/support Conclusion
Body paragraph 2-Reason 2 example: 10 Minutes
Paragraph 3 -Counterclaim/Turn-back 5 minutes
Restate claim Summarize evidence Final statement
Conclusion Example: 7 minutes
Turn in what you have to the crate! Have the Articles bookmarking where you left off in the Journal for writing. Make sure your name is on your papers in case they fall out!!!