BSc (Honours) in Natural Sciences (Physics) 2017 Graduation BSc (Honours) in Natural Sciences (Physics)
MSc by Research Particle Physics Supervisor: Dr Darren Price Particle Physics courses Reading about PP and my research topic Coding lectures and practice
Research Project: DarkSide-50k x-y reconstruction map Gran Sasso National Laboratory (LNGS) in Assergi, Italy
DarkSide searches for: Indications for collisions of WIMPs with ordinary nuclei. Active material: Liquid argon (LAr) which is cryogenic and has excellent scintillation and ionization properties. Main challenge: The predicted collision rates are extremely small.
Overcoming the challenge: Making each collision count by using ultra-low background detectors with large target masses (1-100 ton). Reducing background: A deep underground site eliminates neutron background from cosmic ray muons. use of underground argon (UAr) drastically lowers the radioactive 39Ar background. Active neutron and muon vetos (boron-loaded liquid scintillator detector / Water Cherenkov Detector). Control measures for background sources in the detector and photosensors (S1 PSD, S2/S1 cut).
The detector Recoiling nuclei produce tracks of ionized and excited argon atoms. A series of reactions then produce a characteristic emission of 128 nm scintillation light. Some free electrons are drifted up through the LAr by an applied uniform electric field.
X-y reconstruction map Accurately localizing events in three dimensions: Vertical position defined by the drift time between the S1 and S2 signals (mm precision). Horizontal position defined by the distribution of light over the top photo detector array (cm precision). Current algorithm construct light response functions (LRFs) that map locations in the detector to the expected distribution of signal in DarkSide-50's 38 photomultiplier tubes, using an iterative process driven by data.
My main project: Another idea: Reconstruct the x-y map using new data from the current DarkSide-50 experiment. Write a new, more accurate algorithm for use in the next DarkSide-20k experiment with 20 tonne LAr, expected to start running in 2019. Another idea: Hardware design in our Manchester labs.
To Princeton University
Thanks Giving in Baltimore
Happy Holidays!!
To a successful 2018