WELCOME Please find your child’s seat and look at your child’s journal and any work you find there. Feel free to tour the room until we begin. I will be greeting families as they arrive this evening, but if you have any questions feel free to write them down on a sticky note. I will try to address them before you leave.
Common Core State Standards Balanced Reading Program Open House Agenda Introduction Daily Schedule Common Core State Standards Balanced Reading Program Writing Math Themes Homework/Reading Log Grading/Conferences Volunteers
Daily Schedule 7:40-8:10 Morning Work 8:15-8:30 Word Work 8:30-9:45 Daily 5 9:45-9:55 Snack/Restroom 10:00-10:45 Specials 10:50-11:35 Writing 11:40-12:10 Lunch 12:15-12:30 Read Aloud 12:30-1:30 Math 1:30-2:00 Recess 2:10-2:40 Science/Social Studies 2:45 Dismissal
Common Core State Standards ELA CCSS focus on: *Foundational Skills *Listening and Speaking Skills *Writing Skills *Reading Literature *Reading Informational Texts *Math CCSS focus on * Number and Operations in Base Ten * Operations and Algebraic Thinking * Measurement and Data * Geometry
using evidence from the text. Reading and talking about books is an Formal literacy assessments are done three times a year and include these components: New TRC comprehension assessments have more rigorous demands. Students must be able to read the questions independently and answer them correctly using evidence from the text. Reading and talking about books is an expected part of nightly homework. Letter Naming Phoneme Segmentation Nonsense Word Fluency Oral Reading Fluency TRC
Balanced Reading Program Modeled Reading Shared reading Guided Reading Independent Reading Collaborative Reading Phonics Sight Words Vocabulary Comprehension Fluency
Daily 5 Activities Work on Writing Work on Words Listen to Reading Teacher conducts mini lessons that focus on building comprehension, accuracy, fluency, and vocabulary skills. Work on Writing Work on Words Listen to Reading Read to Self Read to Someone
What the students are doing What the teacher is doing DAILY 5 A literacy structure that teaches independence and gives children the skills needed to create a lifetime love of reading and writing. It consists of five tasks that are introduced individually. When introduced to each task, the children discuss what it looks like, sounds like, and feels like to engage in the task independently. Children work on building their stamina until they are successful at being independent while doing that task. What the students are doing What the teacher is doing * getting started right away * facilitating reading groups * working quietly and independently * facilitating strategy groups * working the whole time * conferencing with students * building stamina * assessing students
WE WRITE ABOUT EVERYTHING! Writing In first grade we work on: handwriting, spacing, capitals, and end marks transition from temporary to more conventional spelling logical story sequence using order words descriptive words, varied vocabulary, and varied sentence structure proper grammar Narrative Opinion Informative We write notes, letters, lists, poems, journal entries, and stories. WE WRITE ABOUT EVERYTHING!
Math Four STRANDS Numbers & Operations in Base Ten We use WCPSS lessons aligned with the Common Core as a math resource. In first grade, children will use objects, drawings, and real-world situations to help them build mathematical ideas that make sense to them. Students invent, question, and explore, but also learn and practice important math strategies. Emphasis is placed on practice standards that teach children how to think critically about math. Four STRANDS Numbers & Operations in Base Ten Measurement and Data Geometry Operations & Algebraic Thinking
Themes All About Me Family and Community Treasures Fishy Friends Fall Harvest Sky Watch Thanksgiving Winter Wonderland Healthy Hearts Famous Americans In the Garden Cruisin’ the Continents
Homework/Reading Log Homework is intended to give students practice in current skills or to review previously studied skills. It should not be a source of frustration for your child (or you). If it becomes so, let me know so that we can make some adjustments. Please monitor your child as homework is completed to be sure previously studied skills are being practiced at home. A quiet place, free from distractions, might be a good place to complete homework. Reading is a lifelong skill that we focus greatly on in first grade. I cannot express to you enough, the importance of your child practicing reading skills daily, even over track-out. Studies show that children who have these experiences are better readers and better students in general. ** Reading Logs are checked daily. Written homework is due by Friday.**
Grading & Conferences Each child will be graded according to the state’s Common Core State Standards.The Student performance levels of 1 to 4 indicate whether students have met the expectations set by the state for the CCSS of Study and indicate whether the student has the necessary skills and concepts to be successful in the next quarter or the next grade. Your child will receive an Interim Report halfway through each quarter and a Report Card at the end of each quarter. Conferences will be offered at the end of the first and third quarters. If at any other time you would like to conference with me, please send me a note and I will make arrangements to meet with you.
Standards Based Grading Student Performance Levels DESCRIPTOR KID FRIENDLY LANGUAGE 4- Exemplary Student consistently demonstrates an in depth understanding of the standards, concepts, and skills taught during this reporting period. I know it and I can explain my thinking. I can use it in other ways. 3- Proficient Student consistently demonstrates an understanding of the standards, concepts, and skills taught during this reporting period. I know it and I can explain it. 2- Approaching Proficient Student is approaching an understanding of the standards, concepts, and skills taught during this reporting period Sometimes I know it, but I still may need help 1- Non- Proficient Student does not yet demonstrate an understanding of the standards, concepts, and skills taught during this reporting period I don’t understand it and I always need help.
Standards Based Grading Conduct and Work Habits Cooperating with others Respecting others Observing rules 3 - meets expectations 2 – inconsistently meets expectations 1 – does not meet expectations Work Habits Uses Time Wisely Listens carefully Completes assignments Writes legibly Works independently or seeks help when needed
Volunteers We need you! Thanks to all of you who have offered to help us in so many ways. Our room mom may be calling you from time to time to ask for your help. For those of you who would like to volunteer, please get a sign up sheet tonight and look at some of the ways you can volunteer. Don’t forget to reregister by October!
We are so glad you came tonight!