Co-Interim Superintendents’ 2016-17 Budget Recommendation Recap Guilford County Board of Education May 10, 2016
2016-17 BUDGET RECOMMENDATION Admin Support Services Includes: Maintenance Transportation Risk Management Utilities Technology Services Used state chart of accounts purpose code to categorize expenditures into schools & administrative support services.
LOCAL FUND 2016-17 Local Fund = $195,209,771 Operating Request from County Commissioners = $191,906,347 $183,360,398 = 2015-16 county appropriation + 8,545,949 = increase requested for 2016-17 $191,906,347 = 2016-17 county appropriation requested Requested per-pupil amount for 2016-17 = $2,465 (using NCDPI’s 2016-17 allotted ADM, including charter schools) Other Local Sources = $3,303,424 OTHER FUNDING SOURCES FINES AND FORFEITURES INT EARNED ON INVESTMENTS FUND BALANCE APPROPRIATED
LOCAL FUND Requested increase in county appropriation = $8,545,949 Salary & benefit increases and recruitment $5,127,687 Strategic plan initiatives $558,740 School personnel – formerly privately/grant funded $484,575 Increases in operating costs $209,600 Growth in charter school enrollment $2,165,347
State Fund 2016-17 Projected State Budget = $381,810,947 Built using allotment formulas provided by NC Department of Public Instruction (updated to included funding changes included in second year of final 2015-16 state budget passed in September 2015). Further adjustments for changes in allotted ADM will be included in the state planning allotment 2015-16 allotted ADM = 71,917 2016-17 allotted ADM = 71,710
Federal Fund 2015-16 Actual Federal Allotment = $44,661,849 2016-17 federal planning allotments from NCDPI are not yet scheduled to be released.
CAPITAL OUTLAY FUND Capital Request from County Commissioners = $11,000,000 There is apparently a limit on the # of characters that can be included in a chart title. It might look okay in Excel then cutoff a portion of the wording when the chart is copied. I changed the wording to fit into the space.
SPECIAL REVENUE FUND Funding Source : Amount Race to the Top PACE and sub-grants $6,679,924 NC Pre-K $3,744,280 Indirect Cost $3,039,588 Medicaid Administrative Outreach $1,000,000 ROTC Revenue $490,000 Medicaid Direct Services Reimbursement $450,000 Sales tax refund – state fund $100,000 Miscellaneous revenue $75,808 Tuition & fees $62,126 Indian Education $52,191 Rental of school property $39,332 Disposition of school fixed assets $35,000 Total $15,768,249
2016-17 BUDGET RECOMMENDATION 2016-17 Total Recommended Budget = $695,373,422 Funding sources: State Fund = $381,810,947 Local Fund = $195,209,771 County Appropriation = $191,906,347 Other Local Sources = $3,303,424 Federal Fund = $44,661,849 Capital Outlay Fund = $11,000,000 Enterprise Funds: Child Nutrition Fund = $39,994,692 ACES Fund (After School Care Enrichment Services) = $6,927,914 Special Revenue Fund = $15,768,249