NM Department of Transportation (NMDOT) Electronic Grant Management and Performance System Executive Sponsor: David Harris, Division Director Business Owner: David Harris, NMDOT Transit and Rail Division Project Managers: Deborah Bach and Marcy Eppler, NMDOT Transit and Rail Division and Jo Girard NMDOT IT Project Management Office Electronic Grant Management and Performance System (eGMPS) Project Certification for Closeout March 29, 2017
Project Overview Objective/Business Goal Outcome: Replace an inactive online grant management system, and the existing paper and spreadsheet based system, with a functional interactive system that meets the NMDOT Transit and Rail Division’s requirements. Migrate current data to a new repository Outcome: The system has fully met these goals
Project Overview Desired Outcomes Desired Outcome Results Improve service delivery to constituents System has streamlined a number of business processes, and allows business team to analyze trends for improvement. Collect and track invoices while monitoring project balances System fully supports invoicing workflows with sub-recipients, and provides automated balance rollups and detail reports. Automate compliance with statutory funding requirements System is fully compliant with Federal Transit Administration (FTA) requirements Improve productivity, achieve cost savings, and reduce time in producing reports System has streamlined a number of business processes, and allowed the business team to eliminate some altogether. Reports, including standard federal reports such as National Transit Database (NTD), are able to be generated at the click of a button, based on data already submitted by sub-recipients within the system, eliminating much of the manual data compilation previously required.
Funding Appropriation History Certification History Fiscal Year Amount Funding Sources FFY 2017 $674,975 Funding Breakdown: $128,000: FTA Section 5309 $514,975: FTA Section 5311 Administrative $32,000: NMDOT State Road Fund TOTAL Date Amount Phase 3/2016 $20,000 Initiation 7/2016 $654,975 Planning & Implementation TOTAL $674,975
Total Cost of Ownership Description FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 TOTAL IV&V Independent Validation & Verification $29,244 Panther Project Management, Configuration, Customizations, System Implementation, Reports, Testing, and Training $55,717 Maintenance Yearly Maintenance and Technical Support $55,716 $111,433 $111,432 $390,014 Contingency* $50,000 $200,000 Total $190,677 $161,433 $161,432 $674,975 *Contingency is based on Federal Transit Administration’s Final Rule of the Transit Asset Management (TAM) Plan
Total Budget (Projected/Actual, by Deliverable) Projected Cost Actual Cost Project Phase Independent Validation & Verification $29,244 Initiation - Close Requirement Deep-Dive $5,572 Planning Project Management Configuration Requirements and Design $22,286 Implementation System Configuration $13,929 System Deployment $2,786 System Testing and Acceptance Training Contingency (if needed) $50,000 $12,500* *Estimated usage, FY17 FY17 Maintenance and Technical Support $55,716 Post-Close FY18 Contingency (if needed) $50,000* *Estimated usage, FY18 FY18 Maintenance and Technical Support $111,433 FY18 FY19 Contingency (if needed) *Estimated usage, FY19 FY19 Maintenance and Technical Support FY19 FY20 Contingency (if needed) *Estimated usage, FY20 FY20 Maintenance and Technical Support $111,432 FY20 TOTAL $674,975 $637,475 Under Budget ($37,500)
Project Schedule Project Phase Date Deliverable Planning August 2016 Project Plan, Timeline Schedules Requirements September – December 2016 Software Requirements Specification (SRS) & Designs Build October 2016 – January 2017 Development drops to test instance Test December 2016 – March 2017 Iterative beta and system testing of delivered modules Train January – February 2017 Complete training manual & deliver training to NMDOT end-users and administrators Deploy March 2017 System GoLive for NMDOT end-users and administrators Close Project Review meeting, project archival activities, follow-up activities Sub-recipient on-boarding May – October 2017 Sub-recipient on-boarding to the yearly grant workflow for FY18 and FY19 grant year activities
Project Accomplishments The system is live FTA requirements fully satisfied All NMDOT users are fully trained System can be used to track & manage all Transit Division grant funds Invoicing process is now fully electronic Elimination of data transfer errors; reduction in review & processing time Elimination of 2 manual tracking processes (pre-audit worksheet and logbook entry) Report generation time has been cut significantly Elimination of data transfer errors; reduction in review, research, and post-processing time NTD reporting compilation time drastically reduced – previously taking several staff months to compile and review. Compilation is now available on-demand from data already entered in the system. Oversight & compliance process can now be transitioned to a fully paperless process Communication with sub-recipients streamlined in multiple areas Deadlines & requirements, status of applications & payments, notification of new personnel, etc Process of adapting existing business process to application allowed team to identify several processes that could be streamlined or eliminated Project came in under budget and aligns well with yearly grant workflows for sub-recipients. Project completed within 6 weeks of projected end-date.
Lessons Learned Communication, flexibility, & expertise was high across sub-teams, which greatly contributed to adapting business processes and effective testing of the system. The experience of the team helped mitigate the fact that this was the business team’s first large software adoption. Formalized processes surrounding testing and issue management allowed the team to adapt to the aggressive schedule and to test effectively while changes were in progress. Participation from all team members, and frequent communication amongst project team members contributed to the effectiveness. Trainings were scheduled just prior to usage of each specific module, which assisted the team in effective testing of all functionality Business team noted that, due to the overlapping nature of the yearly grant cycles across fiscal years, there is no ideal time to on-board sub-recipients. The team created a staged rollout plan for sub-recipients that will allow on-boarding at logical points within a given FY. This increases the number of trainings that will need to occur for the sub-recipients, but will allow both FY18 and FY19 data to be used within the system Rollout plan detail assisted with prioritization of bugfixes for issues found in testing, and allowed the team to safely defer a subset of fixes to later in the year, increasing stability of critical functions needed at GoLive Common baseline with other states’ implementations provided more stability. Team was purposely restrictive about making unique changes to maximize reuse.
Lessons Learned Loss of a key staff member midway through design approvals caused some misses during the design review period, which caused later rework. Allowed business team to re-evaluate staffing for the project and increase the number of team members reviewing designs Allocation of ‘pad’ time within the project schedule allowed the project to still finish prior to sub-recipient on-boarding deadlines Aggressiveness of schedule Shortened time available to refine adapted business processes. Expectation is that, as system is used over time, additional changes will be identified to further refine usage model. Made it difficult to gauge development progress at times. For future projects, team recommends phasing in of any updated modules to the test environment be coordinated with the order of workflows to be tested. This would minimize the amount of retesting needed as new functionality is introduced into the test environment.
Next Steps Population of in-progress data for FY18 grant award by NMDOT staff, and subsequent on-boarding of sub-recipients for FY18 grant and program management Population of FY19 grant opportunities by NMDOT staff, and subsequent on-boarding of sub-recipients for the full FY19 grant application yearly cycle On-boarding of sub-recipients to oversight and compliance module via the eGMPS system in late summer, 2017. Closure of deferred maintenance fixes prior to the above on-boarding milestones Use of the system for all FY18 and FY19 grant year reporting, including NTD reporting.
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