MEANING OF HEALTH “Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity” – who in 1946 Health was considered as freedom from pain , illness and disabilities. COMMUNITY HEALTH According to American Association of Public Health “ the art and science of maintaining , protecting and improving health of people through organized efforts” World Health Organization “the community health refers to the health status of the members of the community to the problems affecting their health and to the totally of health care provided for the the community ”
Prevention of diseases through: Community health is an art and science of taking care of health in all its aspects of life which includes the promotion and preservation of health. Prevention of diseases through: Maintaining good sanitation , portable water supply Providing health education to self care , nutritional etc.., Controlling communicable and non-communicable diseases By organizing proper medical care and nursing services and Improving the standard of living with the help of other sectors and active involvement of beneficiaries and people AIMS OF COMMUNITY HEALTH Health Promotion Disease Prevention Management Of Factors Affecting Health
OBJECTIVES Increasing the average span of human life Decreasing the mortality rate, particularly infant mortality rate and maternal mortality rate Increasing the physical, mental and social well being of the individual Increasing the pace of adjustment of the individual to his environment Providing total health care to enrich quality of life
Philosophy of CHN Essential dignity and worth of the individual Each individual possess potentialities and resources for managing their own life The importance of freedom to express one’s individuality The great capacity for growth within all social beings The right of an individual for basic necessities The need for individuals to struggle and strive to improve their life and environment The right of individual to be helped in times of need and crisis
Factors effecting CHN Population in the area Size of the area Transport and communication facilities Numbers and qualifications of the other personal General health needs of the people Socio-economic conditions , education Previous experience with qualified health personal
SCOPE OF COMMMUNITY HEALTH Community health and welfare as the one which has taken many centuries to evolve. Health was given high priority in daily life and this concept of health included physical, mental, social and spiritual well-being Community health nursing services at center Provide primary health care in the community Conduct routine antenatal and postnatal services Conduct deliveries when required Carry out immunization
2. Industrial nursing services 3. School health nursing 4. Domiciliary nursing services 5. Mental health nursing services 6. MCH and family planning 7. Rehabilitation centers 8. Geriatric nursing services 9. International health agencies
Role of community health nurse(CHN) Health care provider Implements the follow up advices of physician Wound dressing Treats minor illness Provides geriatric care Antenatal care Provides neonatal care Provides first aid Conducts the deliveries in community etc.., 2. Health educator Educate individual , family and the community about prevention of communicable disease Teaches the modes of transmission of communicable , genetic and infectious diseases Nutritional status Hygienic practices Handling of first aid services
3. Collaborator 4. Counsellor 5. Advocate 6. Researcher 7. Manager 8. Evaluator 9. consultant
Developmental stages in community health 1. Empirical health era (1800-1850) During this period diagnosis of diseases was made on empirical basis and also the given treatment was according to symptoms. This Era also called Symptoms- Oriented Era 2. BASIC SCIENCE ERA (1850-1900) This Period witness the invention of microscope, thermometer, Bp apparatus and other tools for detection and measurement od disease. 3. CLINICAL SCIENCE ERA (1900-1950) This era which witnessed the individual- centered or patient –cantered approach for taking care of health and illness of the people. 4. Public health science era ( 1950-1975) In this period disease prevention oriented approach started (community cantered approach , community side teachings) 5. Political health science era (1975-2000AD) People – cantered approach has been emphasized in this era , involvement of the leaders and community people for planning and implementation of health programs
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