Welcome to Math 7 Mrs. van den Bosch
Materials Needed: Composition Notebook College Ruled paper and graph paper Pencil/red or black pen/dry erase marker Math textbook (Come see me if you are unable to get any of these materials)
Homework Policy: Given daily, including some Fridays, usually 10-15 problems. Write your assignments in your agenda. Homework is due at the beginning of the period. All problems must be worked out in detail. NO CREDIT WILL BE GIVEN FOR ANSWERS ONLY! An attempt must be made on all assigned problems---in other words no problems should be left blank.
Tests/Quizzes: Quizzes are given weekly covering the concepts that we learn that week, as well as review of previous concepts. The problems on quizzes are often problems from homework so make sure you do all your homework, and make corrections on problems you missed. Homework quizzes will be given weekly. Problems on these quizzes are taken from the homework assignments and students may use their homework on these. All tests and quizzes must be signed by your parents/guardian, along with corrections for the problems you missed. Since tests and quizzes are 70% of your math grade, its important that you maintain at least 75% or better on these.
Grading Policy Tests/quizzes: 75% 90-100 A Homework: 25% 80-89 B 0-59 F Grades are posted online at https://aeries.cvusd.k12.ca.us/parentportal. Grades are updated weekly.
General Information: All work must be kept in your SWIMS binder. This includes homework, classwork, and signed Tests/quizzes. All work should be done in pencil and must be neatly done. All problems must be numbered and answers circled. Answer columns are also required. All work must be done on college ruled paper and cannot be torn from a spiral notebook.
Information continued: All tests/quizzes must be signed by a parent and returned to me or an infraction will be given. Students should maintain a 75% average ensure success at the next math level. I am available for extra help, but students are responsible for making arrangements with me ahead of time (I am usually available after school)
Important Web Sites: Mrs. vdB’s webpage: vdbmath@weebly.com Mrs. vdB’s email address: lvandenbosch@c-vusd.org Homework Help: Connected.com Khan Academy IReady
I look forward to having you in class and I know we’re going to have a very successful year! Mrs. van den Bosch