ttest PLO Postflop Theory Video # 5: Turn Texture and the Flop-Turn Transition By Tom “LearnedfromTV” Chambers ttest 1
ttest Turn Texture Basics 2 1. What is the Nuts? - Set (21%), Straight (32%), Flush (14%), Full House (33%) 2. What was the nuts (on the flop)? - Set (60%), Straight (17%), Flush (5%), Full House (17%) 3. How many draws are available? a) Nuts is set: How many straight outs? Flush outs? Board pairing cards? b) Nuts is straight: How many straight outs? Flush outs? Board pairing cards? a) Nuts is flush: How many board pairing cards? a) Nuts is full house: How many overcards to the current nut full? ttest 2
ttest Dynamic Turn Textures 3 Definition: A dynamic turn texture is one where the nuts is likely to change on the river and relatively many hands have good equity against the nuts. - Examples: Nearly all of the boards where the nuts is a set or straight - Even though there is only one card to come, most of the more dynamic boards include hands that are close to coin flips against the current nuts… wrap + flush draw on either type of boards, set + flush draw on boards where a straight is the nuts. - Ranges are less polarized on dynamic turns than static turns – proper strategy includes a lot of semi-bluffing and aggression with non-nut hands that have decent equity against both the nuts and other good non-nut hands. ttest 3
ttest Static Turn Textures 4 Definition: A static turn texture is one where the nuts is unlikely to change on the river and relatively few hands have good equity against the nuts. Examples: Boards where the nuts is a flush or full house and a small handful of the straight/set boards (like AKQ7r and K832r). On the flop, many more of the set/straight boards qualify as static (965r, K84r, etc). By the turn, nearly all cases where there is no possible flush or full house include multiple draws. Ranges are more polarized on static turns than dynamic turns – the strong hands people are representing are less vulnerable, so they are more likely to still be the nuts on the river and are huge turn equity favorites against anything. ttest 4
Texture Shifts Definition: A texture shift is a description of how the flop texture changed into the turn texture - Example: JsTh6s3s (draw-heavy board static (flush) board) is much different from Js6s3sTh (monotone board effectively unchanged) Dynamic Flop Examples Complete a straight draw – e.g. JhTd6hAc Complete a flush draw – e.g. JhTd6h3h Bring additional (backdoor) draw – e.g. JhTd6h5d Blank/maintain – e.g. JhTd6h2s Pair the Board – e.g. JhTd6h6s ttest 5
Texture Shifts Definition: A texture shift is a description of how the flop texture changed into the turn texture - Example: JsTh6s3s (draw-heavy board static (flush) board) is much different from Js6s3sTh (monotone board effectively unchanged) Static Flop Examples Complete an unlikely straight draw – e.g. AhKd9sQd Bring backdoor draw(s) – e.g. AhKd9s7s, AhKd9s7c, or AhKd9s3d -Blank/Maintain – e.g. AhKd9s3c -Pair the Board – e.g. AhKd9s9d ttest 6
Videos 6-8 Video 6: Double Barreling: Turn aggression as the flop aggressor Video 7: Executing Floats Video 8: The Turn-River Transition ttest 7
ttest 8
ttest 9
Key Concepts ttest 10