Chapter 10 Growth and Expansion – Section 1 Economic Growth Main Idea: The rise of Industry and trade led to the growth of cities.
The Growth of Industry Americans developed tools to make work easier that impressed many Europeans With the Invention of new technology the way of making goods was changed New inventions created in Britain helped make spinning cloth much quicker by using running water to power machines People left their homes and began to work at mills and earn wages.
The Industrial Revolution This change to working outside the home and the increase in technology led to a new system that brought about great historical development. Started in 1800 in the northern United States
New England Soil was poor for farming so people were more willing to leave their home Also had many streams and rivers that could be used for water power to run the factories Geographic location helps Close access to Natural resource – Coal and Iron Many Ports with access to goods
Capitalism Capitalism: An economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state. Capital: Money, usually put into a business. Free Enterprise: People are free to buy, sell, and produce what ever they want. Elements: Competition, profit, private property and economic freedom. Takeaway: An economic system that allowed completion to flourish was necessary to the Industrial Revolution