Understanding Equity Gaps for Roma Children in Croatia Athens, Greece, 24/25 October 2017
Content: Mandate of the Office for Human Rights and Rights of National Minorities About the National Framework for Roma Inclusion: History General goal and strategic areas Shortages in terms of monitoring and evaluation Addressing the shortages Base-line data Research methodology Some of the Indicators of Roma Children Inclusion Some of the Topics of Roma Children Inclusion Follow up
Office for Human Rights and Rights of National Minorities – mandate drafts , monitor and reports on policy documents regarding protection and promotion of human rights and rights of national minorities coordinates the implementation of the policy documents operates as National contact point implements projects financed through European funds
Development of the National Framework for Roma Inclusion National Strategy for Roma Inclusion 2013-2020 Action Plan „Decade for Roma Inclusion” 2005-2012 National Program for Roma 2003-2005
General Goal of NRIS and Strategy Areas Croatia’s NRIS sets as its general goal “to improve the status of the Roma minority in the Republic of Croatia by reducing the multi-dimensional socio-economic chasm between the Roma and the remaining population and by harmoniously, openly and transparently achieving the full inclusion of the Roma in all segments of society and the community” Areas: Education Employment and Inclusion in Economic Life Health Care Social Care Physical Planning, Housing, and Environmental Protection Inclusion in Social and Cultural Life Status Solutions, Combating Discrimination, and Help in Realizing Rights Improvement of Statistical Data Collection Compliance with International Standards and Treaties
Some of the key shortages in terms of monitoring and evaluation of NRIS: Out of 111 indicators- base line values are available for 11 Data on gender are mostly missing Data on age are mostly missing
Addressing the shortages: IPA 2012 project “Support to national Minorities on National Level” Component III: “Collection and monitoring of the baseline data for an efficient implementation of the National Roma Integration Strategy” Aims to: Address the lack of base-line data for NRIS and AP monitoring and evaluation process on national/regional/local level Develop and establish a robust NRIS monitoring and evaluation system on local/regional and national level aligned with European Commission’s (EC) monitoring tools Enhance stakeholders capacity (including Roma) for NRIS and AP monitoring and evaluation Enhance NRIS monitoring, evaluation and reporting process
Base line data research - methodology PRE-RESEARCH DESK RESARCH OBSERVATION Pre-research activities encompassed all Roma communities with 30 and more inhabitants in Croatia. INTERVIEWS WITH INFORMANTS
Base line data research - methodology MASTER RESEARCH Quantitative methodology, two sampling stages: households, members of the households, Qualitative methodology, key figures recognized in the pre-research Questionnaire Interviews Focus groups
Some of the Indicators of Roma Children Inclusion / Sample Questionnaire Education Social care knowledge of Croatian language participation in preschool activities and their ethnic structure ethnic structure of the school classes and extra curriculum activities num. of children involved in custom (special) school programs primary school and high school drop out, faculty drop out school achievements Roma children poverty num. of children in foster or residential care num. of Roma parents included in different parent support measures early intervention among Roma children with disabilities num. of Roma children included in support measures (peer groups, empowerment groups etc.)
Some of the Indicators of Roma Children Inclusion/ Sample Questionnaire Health Housing health insurance coverage child diseases prevalence (chicken pots, mumps, measles, meningitis, scarlatin etc.) disability prevalence prevalence of juvenile pregnancies prenatal, neonatal and postnatal children mortality prevention of the infectious diseases in children size and quality of the housing (moist walls, dark houserooms etc.) num. of housing burdened with legal property issues (legalization) num. of Roma living in integrated households possession of household appliances and public infrastructure (water supply, electricity, television, telephone etc.)
What needs to be done, how to increase children's wellbeing? Some of the Topics of Roma Children Inclusion/ Interviews and Focus Groups What has changed in the past 10 years for Roma children in terms of integration? What are the main obstacles for integration of Roma children today? What needs to be done, how to increase children's wellbeing?
Follow up: Strategic planning Programming projects Longitudinal monitoring
Thank you for your attention ! Government of the Republic of Croatia Office for Human Rights and Rights of National Minorities Mesnička 23, 10 000 Zagreb Klaudija Kregar Orešković klaudija.kregar.oreskovic@uljppnm.vlada.hr