Migraines By: Grace G. Isaak T.A.G
What is a Migraine? A migraine is a type of tension headache that usually affects one side of the head and can cause horrible pain. Over 10,000 people suffer from migraines a year in the US. Most headaches are not serious but can make one want to take a day of work or school. Migraines may feel like someone is squeezing your head. They can happen slowly or suddenly. Sadly, you cannot outgrow a migraine. :(
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What Causes a Migraine? Migraines can start for many reasons. They can happen because of allergens, such as gluten or peanuts. A lot of migraines start by bright lights or even smells. It is best to avoid the things that you are allergic to so that it may prevent a migraine. The most common way to start a migraine is to NOT DRINK WATER! Without water, your body starts to heat up, along with your brain. That means your blood vessels expand, which causes a headache. So if you drink a lot of water, you’re least likely to get a migraine.
Symptoms Most symptoms are: * vomiting * nausea * sensitivity to light * visual disturbances Bllaaghh
Treatments A common treatment to help with a migraine is taking a pain reliever like Advil. You could also use a type of massage therapy that may reduce the pain. Another good way to get rid of a migraine is to rest in a dark, quiet room. If your headache is starting to get out of hand, you may want to go to a doctor and ask for prescription medicine.
Stages of a Migraine These are the stages of a common migraine. First you have the prodrome, next the aura, then the headache, and lastly the postdrome. The next slides will tell you what these are.
Prodrome This is what happens up to 72 hours before the migraine starts. You often feel pain in your upper neck, on your scalp, and on you face. This happens when the muscles in these areas contract for too long. You may also feel really tired and dizzy.
Aura During this stage, you will experience visual changes such as wavy lines and/or color changes. This can make you really dizzy and start the migraine.
Headache This is where the real pain starts. It can cause nausea, vomiting, and serious pain. When you have a migraine, you may want to rest in a dark room. Needs more
Postdrome During this stage, you are recovering so you may be a little sore around your neck. You don’t really have to stay in a dark room, but you should probably stay inside to avoid another headache.
Bibliography Thanks so much to the following people and websites: *Ms.Canfield and all my fellow friends in T.A.G *Dr. Melissa Santiago “Brain Nutrition” Naturopathic Doctor * “Headache.” Britannica School school.eb.com/levels/middle/article/headache/59903 * Golden, Katie M. “Tackling migraines head on: can massage therapy help manage pain from migraines?” Massage Therapy Journal, Summer 2017 * Stevens, Michael B. “Migraine.” World Book Student, World Book, 2017, www.worldbookonline.com/student/article?id=ar360760
Q and A Q: Are migraines important? A: Not usually, but when you get to the point to where you don’t want to move, it gets important. Q: How long do migraines last? A: Most migraines last from 12 hours to 24 hours. Q: Where are you most likely to get a migraine? A: In hot and dry places, you might get overheated and that could start a migraine.
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