National 5 Modern Studies
Today we will… Identify the necessary materials for course completion Discuss the content and structure of National 5 Modern Studies Outline the various coursework and exam elements in National 5 Modern Studies
Success Criteria Understand the structure, content and expectations of National 5 Modern Studies
What do you need to complete N5 Modern Studies? First and foremost: A POSITIVE WORKING ATTITUDE! Having a positive attitude and good work ethic in class and personal study will be your greatest asset this year. Also essential is ATTENDANCE. 100% attendance will guarantee you do not miss out! In terms of actual materials, most will be provided in school however you will need to get an A4 ring-binder within the next week. I would also recommend the following although they are not essential: Pad of A4 lined paper A pack of highlighters Poly-pockets A4 Dividers
Course Content and Structure There are three units of work and one compulsory coursework element in National 5 Modern Studies. These are the: Democracy in Scotland Crime and the Law (Social Issues) USA (World Powers) Assignment Task (SQA Assessed Coursework Task)
Democracy in Scotland Unit This unit covers a variety of different aspects of democracy in Scotland today including: Participation in a democratic society Political Parties and Election Campaigns Voting Systems The Scottish Parliament and MSPs Pressure Groups and influence The Media and its influence
Crime and the Law In the Social Issues unit we cover Crime and the Law, looking at both Scottish and UK wide examples: Nature of Crime today Causes and consequences of crime The Scottish Justice System The role and powers of the Scottish Police Force The Prison System and its alternatives Drugs Crime, Knife Crime and the London Riots
The USA In the International Issues unit we cover the USA, focusing on the USA’s political, social and economic influence in the world: Politics of the USA: the President, the Congress and the Supreme Court Socio-economic issues: why do ethnic minorities continue to suffer in the USA and what is being done about it? Case Studies: Gun Crime and Immigration in the USA The role and influence of the USA on other countries – is the USA really a superpower?
Source-based Questions Throughout the year you will also learn to answer 3 different Source-based Questions. These questions can be based on any Modern Studies topic – what you will learn over the course of the year is an ANSWER STRUCTURE which will help you to gain the highest possible marks no matter what the question is about. The source questions are all worth 10 marks each. Support and Oppose Question Conclusions Question Options Question
End of Unit Tests One for each unit A mixture of knowledge and source questions A good measure of whether you will cope with N5 exam Like Mini exams at end of each unit
Assignment Task The National 5 Modern Studies Assignment is an externally assessed piece of coursework. The Assignment is set by the SQA and assessed by SQA markers; it accounts for 20% of your overall final grade. This is an individual research task which you will work on both in class and at home, with some guidance from staff. The Assignment is sat under exam conditions in school before being sent for marking. Examples of assignment topics include drink-driving in the UK, racial tension in the USA and the abolition of the House of Lords.
The Final Exam 80 marks in 2hrs 20mins Although it may seem far away at the moment, when taking school holidays into account, the final exam is less than 9 months away! The National 5 Modern Studies exam consists of one paper which tests your knowledge and ability to answer source-based questions. The final exam accounts for 80% of your overall grade so it is very important that you take exam preparation and study seriously – throughout the entire year. 80 marks in 2hrs 20mins 3 units: 1 x 28 marks and 2 x 26 marks 9 knowledge questions overall 3 source questions overall This results in pupils receiving an award A-D
What do you need to do? Have excellent attendance Work hard in class at all times/ excellent effort & behaviour Take responsibility for completing all unit assessments Complete all HW tasks Complete the assignment Question practice at home Candidates who cannot commit to one or more of the above will be moved to N4 Modern Studies.
May – June: Start Democracy unit June – October: Democracy Unit completed, mini exam. Complete N4 AVU (September) November: USA Unit start. Sit N5 Assignment December: Finish USA Unit, mini exam. Prelim prep January: Prelim Jan – March: Crime Unit completed & mini exam April - Revision May – Final Exam