Evaluation & Assessment Types of Fractures
Bell Work Has anyone or know someone who has fractured a bone? Which bone? How was it protected? How long was it splinted or casted? What happened as a result of the fracture? Atrophy? Decreased ROM? What type of bone did they fracture? What are the 5 types of bones? Long bones Short bones Irregular bones Sesmoid bones Flat bones
Objectives By the end of this lesson Define Terms relating to fractures Identify types of fractures List signs and symptoms of a fracture Explain the impact of fractures on the body
Can we identify terms we already know? Fracture Avulsion Fracture Blowout Fracture Comminuted Fracture Contrecoup Fracture Depression Fracture Epiphyseal Fracture Greenstick Fracture Terminology Can we identify terms we already know? Impacted Fracture Longitudinal Fracture Oblique Fracture Serrated Fracture Spiral Fracture Stress Fracture Transverse Fracture
Fracture An injury to a bone where the tissue of the bone is broken A partial or complete break may occur. There are many TYPES of fractures.
Avulsion Fracture A muscle, tendon or ligament pulls of a piece of bone This x-ray shows a calcaneus avulsion fracture.
Blowout Fracture An injury to the orbital floor of the eye caused by an impact to the area How could an athlete sustain a blowout fracture?
Comminuted Fracture A fracture consisting of 3 or more displaced bone fragments Caused by an impact or blow in an awkward position
Contrecoup Fracture A fracture which occurs on the opposite side of where the blow was sustained.
Depressed Fracture An injury to a flat bone caused by falling and hitting an immovable surface or being hit with an object
Epiphyseal Fracture An injury which occurs at the growth plate of a bone and may result in stunted growth in young athletes.
Greenstick Fracture An incomplete break in soft bone, similar to a green twig bending but not breaking. What bone is effected in this x-ray?
Impacted Fracture An injury sustained when a long bone receives a compressive force along it’s long axis, usually as a result of a fall from considerable height
Longitudinal Fracture An injury in which a bone is split along its length, usually the result of jumping from a height and landing so force is transmitted along the axis of the bone.
Oblique Fracture An injury that occurs down the length and across the width of the bone, usually occurs when one end is stabilized and the opposite end is twisted.
Serrated Fracture An injury where the two ends of the bone have sharp jagged edges or a saw tooth appearance
Spiral Fracture An injury which wraps along the length of the bone; usually occurs when one end of the bone is stabilized and the other end is rotated in the opposite direction.
Stress Fracture A non-displaced bone injury which results from repetitive stress through continual impact to a bone.
Transverse Fracture An injury caused by a direct blow and occurs in a straight line, at a 90 degree angle to the bone shaft
Types of Fractures